On Saturday 31st August 2019, 12 members of the City of London Rifles’ Lodge No.5606, completed a charity walk in aid of Prostate Cancer UK, raising £1,000 in the process. The course was a 14-mile scenic route, commencing at Dorking Station, Surrey and finishing at the Station Pub in Stoneleigh Broadway.
At the conclusion the thirsty walkers were met at the Station Pub by wives, and other members of the Lodge who were unable to take part, for a well-deserved pint or two.
On 10th October a delegation of lodge members presented the donation to Prostate Cancer UK at the charity’s HQ in Tooley St, London SE1.
The Lodge has since formed a Walking Group with the intention of completing further walks in aid of Charity. The next one being the Banham Marsden Walk, 15 miles between the hospitals at Fulham and Sutton.