W Bro Trevor Koshalka PAGPurs reports.
Recruitment has been one of the main objectives in London Freemasonry in recent years, so it was pleasing to see around 350 people turn up to the Grand Temple of Freemasons’ Hall on an evening in early February for a ‘Discovering Freemasonry’ event.
A targeted social media campaign had been used to advertise the evening since just after Christmas.
The Metropolitan Grand Master, R W Bro Sir Michael Snyder introduced the evening by welcoming everyone to the event and to Freemasons’ Hall. He pointed out that Freemasons were from all strands of society and that they were one of the largest donors to charity in the country. Bro Michael mentioned the current appeal for £2.5 million, for the two new ‘Super Hi-Lift’ platforms for the London Fire Brigade. He also spoke about the appeals which had purchased and equipped the second London Air Ambulance, the provision of a number of fast response vehicles for the London Ambulance Service and also the purchase of the Cyber Knife for St Bartholomew’s Hospital, giving cancer patients the best possible treatment. He said that London’s Freemasons also gave both time and financial support to many other smaller charities. Sir Michael said that all money donated from Freemasons in London comes from their own pockets and that we do not solicit funds from any other source.
Bro Michael then introduced a short film on Discovering Freemasonry which has been produced by the United Grand Lodge of England, which was followed by Metropolitan Grand Inspector W Bro Matthew Hampson, PGJD giving an insightful briefing on the history of Freemasonry in England and Wales and the principles by which Freemasons are governed, and what we do at our meetings. This was followed by short presentations by Bro Saif Halim and W Bro Daniel Cohen, LGR giving a perspective from a younger person’ s point of view, with an emphasis on enjoyment, meeting new people whom you might not have met otherwise, and doing some good for others.
The Metropolitan Grand Master, R W Bro Sir Michael Snyder
A question and answer session followed with Assistant Metropolitan Grand Master VW Bro Ian Wellesley-Harding, PGSwdB, VW Bro Philip Summers, PGSwdB, Bro Matthew, and MW Bro Christine Chapman Grand Master of the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (Women Freemasons) taking questions from the floor. After this everyone adjourned to the vestibules where they were able to continue discussions over a glass of wine.
Well over a hundred forms were completed on the night from men indicating they wished to take the next step on joining Freemasonry, who will be contacted by the Recruitment Team to take this process forward. The event proved to be a successful evening which I am sure will be repeated.
This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 40 April 2020 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 40 here.