The ups and downs due COVID-19 continue to have an impact on masonry in general, and for us on the committee planning events for the members of the Connaught Club.
With the easing of restrictions over the summer, members were able to meet in person for our annual picnic in Lincoln’s Inn Fields. It was so nice to see so many partners being able to join us too.
The picnic also gave us the opportunity to hold our long-since-abandoned AGM to cover a couple of items that we were unable to include in our special (virtual) meeting earlier during the lockdown. An al fresco AGM - chilled beer and fillet mignon bon bons in hand - certainly seems a popular way to conduct business meetings. After the statutory over-eating of crisps, cured meats and olives, “picnicers” retired to a local hostelry to continue
with the long since forgotten art of bonhomie.

September also saw the return of our monthly drinks - again in person. It was an enjoyable evening and our monthly drinks remain an open event where we welcome partners, prospective members and friends alike.
Sadly though, the Government’s Rule of 6 came into force shortly after and so we are unlikely to be able to continue in our usual fashion. We look forward to a return to actual normal as soon as it is safe to do so.
We continue our drive to raise funds for our charity this year (the Maytree Centre, Finsbury Park; a sanctuary for the suicidal), and any donations would be most gratefully welcome. We have a Virgin Money Giving page - please search for the Connaught Club and select the Maytree Mountain Challenge page. Every penny you donate really does save lives. £10 will pay for the recruitment and DBS check for a new befriender volunteer, and £50 will fund the costs of telephone and email support for 10 people in a suicide crisis.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 42 October 2020 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 42.