By the solemn Act of Union between the two Grand Lodges of Free-Masons of England in December 1813, it was declared and pronounced that pure Antient Masonry consists of three degrees and no more, viz., those of the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch. [Preliminary Declaration, Book of Constitutions]
The close links between the Craft and the
Royal Arch are easy to see, HRH the Duke
of Kent KG is both The Grand Master and
The First Grand Principal; and Sir Michael
Snyder is both the Metropolitan Grand
Master for London and the Metropolitan
Grand Superintendent in and over
In addition to having representatives for
Provincial Grand Lodges, Learning and
Development Leads also represent their
Provincial Grand Chapters up and down
the country, as well as in Districts across
the globe.
We also continue this link on Solomon
itself in the wide variety of content which
is not just for Craft Masons. Although
much of the content available is intended
for members of the Craft, all of that
content and more is available to those who
have taken their next step into the Royal
Arch, as well as those Master Masons
thinking of joining the Holy Royal Arch,
for whom we have created specific content
to help you understand more about that
next step, without ruining the surprise.
Those Brethren who have taken the next
step or are considering taking the next
step to become Companions of the Royal
Arch will find all of the information that
will help them understand this rich,
complex and unique Degree more fully.
Like the content available to those in the
Craft there are also a series of Presentations
ideally suited for use within a Chapter,
quizzes and Nuggets and Papers on topics
from the History of the Royal Arch to the
Roles and Responsibilities of the Officers
within a Chapter. Every member has their
own style of learning and we want to
ensure that everyone can use Solomon to
get the most out their masonic journey
and learn in the way that they want to.
Many of the resources on Solomon can be
accessed in a variety of ways; from
downloading our Box Sets of audio files
to listen to on another device or on the
go, to viewing the famous Prestonian
Lectures narrated by the Lecturers
themselves which are usually only
delivered inside a Lodge room, followed
by a Q&A with the Lecturer, to testing
your knowledge with our interactive
As with all the content on Solomon we
only recommend exploring the content
of that Module if you have reached that
Degree, otherwise you might spoil the
As part of our mission to enable every
member to use Solomon, the Learning &
Development Team are increasing the
quantity of interactive content available
across the entire platform, from an
interactive walk around the Lodge Room,
complete with explanations of each Officer
and their place in the Lodge, to an audiovisual
guide of the Tracing Board and the
meaning behind the symbolism. We are
also increasing the amount of audio content
available, to help enable you to experience
Solomon the way you want to.
Solomon is the resource to feed that
journey of discovery and understanding
for everyone. Whether you are new to
Freemasonry and are seeking a greater
understanding of the ceremony that you
have just experienced by reflecting on each
stage of the ceremony, or you are seeking
a deeper understanding of the symbolism.
Solomon continues to occupy a significant
position as a resource for the enjoyment
and instruction of individual Brethren and
Companions and as a supply of
informative, credible material for use at
virtual gatherings and classes of instruction
and development. The Learning &
Development Team continue to work
relentlessly behind the scenes to upload
new, interesting and dynamic material, in
a variety of formats, to satisfy the
requirements of our members and bring
education back into the Chapter
From everyone at the Solomon
Team, have a safe and Happy New Year.
How to Register
Simply go to
and fill in your details, once you have
received the confirmation email Log in,
select your first Module and Enrol.
You can then begin your journey of
Masonic learning and understanding.
A selection from Solomon

Master Mason:
Origins of the Grand Lodge Certificate
The origins, purpose and development of
the Grand Lodge Certificates, which have
evolved from the Antients and Moderns
up to the present-day Three Pillars design.
The Royal Arch -
Completing the Craft
An introduction to the Royal Arch.
Nugget -
From the Craft to
the Royal Arch
Some thoughts about what lies beyond
the Craft.
Royal Arch
Why Companions not Brothers?
A short explanation of the origin of
the word Companion, and what
differentiates it from Brother, its
Craft equivalent.
Including the Holy Royal Arch -
According to Fred & Charlie
...pure Antient Masonry consists of
three degrees and no more, ...including
Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch.

Royal Arch Regalia
History and Symbolism of Royal Arch
Apron, Sash and Jewel.
More general content:
Nugget -
Why do we wear white gloves?
A short explanation of why Freemasons
wear white gloves at Lodge Meetings.
Paper -
Mediaeval Masonry Transformed
Paper -
A Glossary
A brief glossary of the meanings of some
of the unusual words used in Freemasonry.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 43 January 2021 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 43.