I am pleased to announce the following changes in the appointments of London Rulers taking effect from the next annual meeting of Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter on 3rd March and 14th April 2021 respectively:
To be Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master
Warren Brian Duke (replacing Simon Duckworth)
Christopher Michael Hayward (replacing Stephen Fenton)
To be Deputy Metropolitan Grand Superintendent
Timothy John Nicholas L’Estrange (replacing Christopher Clark)

To be Assistant Metropolitan Grand Master/Assistant Grand Superintendent
Ian Keith Clark (replacing Richard Greenhill)
Robert William Richard Grant (replacing Ian Sabin)
Matthew Damian Hampson (replacing Ian Wellesley-Harding)
Jonathan James Hillman (replacing Chris Hayward)
Simon Andrew Charles White (replacing Tim L Estrange)
To be 3rd Metropolitan Grand Principal
Christopher Geoffrey John Head (replacing Simon White)
To be Metropolitan Grand Inspectors (Craft)
Keith Hewitt Alexander (replacing Pieter Cox)
Paul Anthony Brown (replacing Jonathan Hillman)
Sunil Vasharambhai Devalia (replacing Vince Driver)
Sanjiv Bhimji Gohil (replacing Matt Hampson)
John Joseph MacAndrews (replacing Gus Machado)
Keiron Paul Mallon (replacing Mark Stollery)
Jonathan Andrew Randall (replacing Clive Hawkins)
Scott Brian Simpson (replacing Graham Dullop)
To be Metropolitan Grand Inspectors (RA)
Ian Spencer Burgess (replacing Grahame Lovett)
David Richard Ellis OBE (replacing Stanley Haines)
Anthony Terence Shepherd (replacing Ian K Clark)
To be Metropolitan Grand Director of Ceremonies
Guy Peter Woodroffe Foster (replacing Warren Duke)
I would like to express my warmest thanks, on behalf of all London masons, to those stepping down at the end of their respective terms of office. They have all made a tremendous contribution over many years to the development of the London Metropolitan Area, never more so than during the challenges faced this year.
I am sure we all wish those taking up their appointments in 2021 every happiness and success in their important and challenging roles, and the good health to enjoy them.
Sir Michael Snyder
Metropolitan Grand Master / Superintendent

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 43 January 2021 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 43.