Earlier this year the Isle of Man Post Office released a set of six stamps in celebration of English Freemasons Tercentenary. Produced by Glazier Design, the call signs of three air ambulances (G-NDN, G-WASS and G-TVAL) along with GPS references for their landing pads are encoded in the details.
London Masons have donated over the last 2 years, £2,100,000 towards the second London air ambulance Helping to make London a safer place to live, work and travel. Dr Gareth Davies, Medical Director of London's Air Ambulance, beside a helicopter proudly emblazoned with a masonic square & compasses.

Paying respect to the Grand Master, HRH The Duke of Kent, now in his 50th year in office, was key: a subtle ribbon of the repeating letters ‘HRHDOKGM50’ runs around the edge of each stamp, commemorating the milestone.