Report by W Bro Robert Lakic PJGD, MetGInsp
On 24th September 2021, the long-anticipated 25th Anniversary Meeting of the South East London Installed Masters Lodge No 9557 finally took place at the South East London Masonic Hall in Penge. The Lodge was privileged to have the presence of RW Bro Warren Duke PJGW, DepMetGM as the Guest of Honour.
All the brethren present enjoyed a splendid and efficient meeting, which has recently become the hallmark of this Lodge. The occasion was fittingly marked with the presentation of a comprehensive Lodge history written by W Bro Keith Fairweather PSGD, and read in an animated and entertaining style by the Lodge Secretary, W Bro Colin Smith LGR.
The Lodge had challenged the centre’s in-house Chef to reproduce the extravagant menu enjoyed by the consecrating officers and founders many years ago. I am pleased to say this was a complete success. W Bro Ian Campbell LGR, the only founder of the Lodge who could be present, heartily welcomed the meal choice as he fondly reminisced on that eventful day.
At the Festive Board, an inspiring speech from Bro Warren emphasised the significance of anniversaries. They allow us to reflect on the past, enjoy the present and look forward to the future. It was met with considerable applause, increased substantially by Bro Warren’s special thanks to his escorting officer, W Bro Will Hale PAGDC, MetDepGDC, who made remarkable efforts to ensure the success of the evening’s proceedings. A suitable reply was made by the Worshipful Master, W Bro Jim Turner PPGReg, thanking all those who had contributed to making this a magnificent and memorable meeting.
Bro Jim is not one to let an opportunity go by, especially with so many guests in attendance, so he enthusiastically added that this friendly Lodge with its two meetings a year in Penge, ample secure parking, and low fees, was open to all Past Masters. The next merry meeting will be held on Friday 18th March 2022, at which guests will be made exceptionally welcome.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 47 January 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 47 here.