On Saturday 21st May, 2022 over 100 guests were present at Kathleen Godfree Court, Wimbledon to celebrate the 100th birthday the previous day of W. Bro James Gordon Boyd Anderson, PGJD, known affectionately to all as Jimmy Anderson.
Jimmy and his twin brother, John, (who is now living in Scotland), were born in Egypt where his father was serving with the British Army. On the family’s return to the UK in 1927 they settled for a couple of years in Newport, South Wales before relocating back to Edinburgh in 1929. After completing his education Jimmy was called up for military service in 1941 and served for a short time with the RAF before being transferred to the Army. During WW2 he served in different parts of the UK on anti-aircraft and searchlight crews protecting the UK against enemy aircraft. After being discharged from military service in 1946, Jimmy served in the Civil Service until his retirement in 1982 working in what was then called the Ministry of Supply
Jimmy was Initiated in Scots Lodge in January 1954 and was active in that Lodge and in the Scots Chapter and Mark Lodges reaching Grand Rank in all three degrees. In the Craft he was promoted to Past Grand Rank in 1986 and later promoted to the active rank of Junior Grand Deacon in 1994. For many years he was also a member and regular attender at meetings of the Duke of Edinburgh Lodge No. 1259 and helped to restore the Lodge to the thriving position it enjoys today in recognition of which Jimmy was made an Honorary Member. The Lodge which is one of the few daytime Lodges in London (further information on the Lodge can be found here) was represented by its Almoner (W Bro John Fetterroll and his wife Frances) and the Lodge Assistant Secretary, W Bro Dennis Brown, who were delighted to be in attendance.
Pictured below – Jimmy at Kathleen Godfree Court recently where he spoke very eloquently in reply to the toast to him.