Bro Albert B Rother reports
In April 2022, the United Arts Rifles Lodge No 3817, also known as the Brazilian lodge, conducted for the first time in its history a sextuple passing.
To make the occasion even more special, the Lodge was extremely fortunate to benefit from ritualistic support from W Bros Bruno Maini and Edoardo El-Attrache, two members of Loggia Italia No 2687, who represented the Anglo-Foreign Lodge Association (AFLA) as the Brazilian Lodge officially voted in favour of joining that prestigious association. The meeting also produced a favourable ballot for yet another Brazilian Mason living abroad as a joining member, this time coming from the Swiss Grand Lodge ALPINA, expanding the Lodge’s footprint to four countries beyond England.
In its next meetings in June (25th) and September (3rd), the Lodge will conduct multiple raising ceremonies, to be followed by its now traditional Brazilian all-you-can-eat-meat festive board to which any interested visitor is more than welcomed.
Interested visitors may enquire via (limited spaces available)

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 49 August 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 49 here.