An update from Bro Dave Cole, Club Communications Officer
Sitting here on a full train to London, it gives me time to reflect on the many events that we at The Kent Club have brought to our members over the last few months.
In May, we held our AGM and were pleased to see both existing and new members attending for the first time. This was also a sad event as our Club Secretary, W Bro Richard Criddle attended his last AGM in an official capacity. Richard steps down after 9 year’s service to the club. He will be succeeded by W Bro Prof. Mark Sharp. Mark has a wealth of experience and takes over a much larger club than it was a year ago. We wish him all the very best in his role on behalf of the committee and members of the Kent Club and of course, wish Richard all the very best for the future!
Also, in May we held our Annual Dinner at the National Liberal Club where a large number were treated to a fantastic evening. This year we were accompanied by our guest of honour, VW Bro Matthew Hampson, Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master. Many of our guests had the opportunity to meet Matthew during the dinner, we take this opportunity to thank him for his entertaining company.
We would also like to thank our pianist, photographer and of course our guests who made the evening go with a bang. W Bro Kieran Nayer LGR (London Lodge No 108) was kind enough to say: “Within a busy Masonic schedule, I was delighted to have attended what turned out to be a most delightful night to remember at the Kent Club Annual Dinner recently held at the National Liberal Club. The organisation, quality of venue, wonderful dining and sheer Masonic joie de vivre was second to none with new friends made and memories to last. Well done Kent Club - membership very highly recommended”. That just about says it all, thanks Kieran.
In June we have two events, our first is the wonderful Picnic and BBQ hosted by W Bro Ivor Macklin PAGDC and his lovely wife Wendy at their award-winning garden in Hever, Kent. This has been a very well attended event over the years and we expect the same this year.
Our second event in June is a visit to King’s College School Lodge No 4257 who will be celebrating their Centenary event delayed from 2021 (for the obvious reasons!). This Lodge is a daughter Lodge of Grand Master’s Lodge No.1 so always has some very interesting guests!
Over the summer break our Events Officer, Bro Daoud Himmo, will also be taking a small and well-deserved break but will be kicking off the autumn season with a visit to the Whisky Show at Old Billingsgate. This is expected to attract a large number of club members who will be keen to sample some of the 650 different drams. Let’s hope there will be someone capable of taking a photo for our next update!
In October we will be visiting Lodge of St. Julian No 5107. This is the specialist Lodge for Freeman and Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Innholders. The evening will start with a tour of Innholders Hall, and the guests will have the pleasure of tasting the Michelin Star Festive Board prepared by Chef Herbert Berger.
All our events can be found here on our web page.

In the last issue of Arena, I updated you on our membership and, following a magnificent effort by our outgoing secretary, W Bro Richard Criddle, we have doubled the club size to a whopping 742! Welcome to all those new Kent Clubbers, we’re looking forward to meeting you at our up-and-coming events very soon. A massive thank you to Richard who drove this activity and hands over a great legacy!
Remember, joining the Kent Club for London Freemasons is very easy and for only £10 per year! If this looks like something for you and you like the idea of meeting interesting people, attending unique and specialist events and broadening your masonic horizons, then click here and sign up! The more the merrier - remember our motto “Great members and great events, make great memories!”

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 49 August 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 49 here.