E Companion John Peters PGSoj Metropolitan Grand Inspector Reports.
On April 21 2022, the Anglo-Dutch and Old Emanuel Chapter No 5862 hosted one of the Royal Arch 'Welcome Project' events in Temple 10 at Freemasons’ Hall, followed by a superb festive board in the vestibule of the Grand Temple. Anglo-Dutch and Old Emanuel Chapter No 5862 is the Mother Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry in the Netherlands.
As part of the relationship building between the Metropolitan Grand Chapter and the Supreme Grand Chapter of the Netherlands, this event was supported by a delegation from the Supreme Grand Chapter of the Netherlands, including ME Companion Ad Van Dooren, the First Grand Principal, ME Companion Peter Blom, Second Grand Principal, ME Companion Peter Van Gelderen, Third Grand Principal, M E Companion Hein Van Der Wal, Grand Scribe Ezra. Also present was a Dutch member of the Anglo-Dutch Chapter, E Comp Huib Lazet PGStB.

The delegation was welcomed by the E Companion the Rev Timothy L'Estrange, PGSN Deputy Metropolitan Grand Superintendent and E Companion John Peters PGSoj Metropolitan Grand Inspector and a retinue of MetGC Officers, which included E Companion Jonathan Hillman PGSwdB Assistant Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, E Companion David Wilmot PGStB, Senior Visiting Officer and E. Companion Kelvin Stead PAGDC, Visiting Officer. All were accompanied by Escorting Officer E. Companion Rhys Madoc SLGCR. MetDepGDC.
The host Chapter exalted Bro Michael Wilkinson with the superb theatrical assistance of the Metropolitan Grand Stewards Chapter Demonstration Team and in the presence of seven new exaltees as part of the Welcome Project.
Companion Barry Laden said: “The whole experience was a great pleasure, the festive board was excellent, and the speeches were amazing. I know that we've all learned a lot and will take this knowledge back with us to our own Chapters. It was very informative and enjoyable. I would be very keen to visit other Chapters in the year ahead, so I look forward to staying in touch”.

Companion Chris also commented, 'Thoroughly enjoyable evening and it was so nice to meet other Exaltees, we were all made to feel really welcome. A very positive experience'.
The festive board was a masonic treat with a drinks reception and dinner in the beautiful Art-Deco surroundings of the Grand Temple Vestibule attended by sixty-two Companions with keynote responses from E Companion Ad Van Dooren First Grand Principal of the Netherlands, E Companion Timothy L'Estrange, Deputy Metropolitan Grand Superintendent and a most sincere and articulate response from Exaltee Michael.
The Final Word from Exaltee Michael.
“After 19 years in Craft masonry, I was exalted last night into Anglo-Dutch Chapter in temple ten at Freemasons’ Hall in London by the Met Grand Chapter demonstration team with a full contingent of dignitaries from MetGC and also the First Principal of the Netherlands there with his team too. The sight before me with everyone standing there in the temple is something I will never forget. Why oh why didn't I do this earlier?
“What a night! What an experience! A great addition to the story in the 3rd degree.”

Thanks must go to E. Companions Chapter Scribe E Peter Minney SLGCR, Mick Scotchmer PAGSoj (Table Plans) and Frank Fronda SLGCR (photographs).

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 49 August 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 49 here.