MetGL&GC are moving forward with a strategy that takes us through to 2025. At its heart, it seeks to serve our members and support all Lodges and Chapters to engage with existing, as well as attracting new members. One initiative that sits within those plans is the Special Interest Lodges (SILs).
The idea is not new. Many existing Lodges and Chapters have a thematic rather than geographic background. They have always been about the pursuit and pleasure of combining two passions. We all have many areas which fascinate us, and when we share a hobby or interest, it can be the magical glue that excites and invigorates a Lodge or Chapter. There will be hobbies and sports, in addition to work fields such as the military or the emergency services, which we want to share.
Everyone understands that Brethren and Companions should attend meetings for the sheer delight and pleasure that they bring. Simply chatting and discussing the ins and outs of a favourite rugby team, a Grand Prix or a golf hole-in-one brings enormous pleasure to the participants, at the same time as helping to cement the Masonic bond between them.
It provides a wonderful opportunity to attract new members with a similar interest or for an unattached Mason to re-engage. It can also be a popular option for a Brother’s second Lodge to combine a pastime with their Masonic hobby.
The new SILs also focus on driving external awareness through modern communication channels, especially social media. The SILs can have social events, ‘white table’ possibilities with guest speakers, theme-specific venues and group visits. They also lend themselves more naturally to making Freemasonry more engaging and enjoyable for its members, as the future Formula One Lodge members will verify!
Some Lodges may feel they have lost their allure and wish to reinvigorate and find a fresh direction. They could look to forming a SIL. It takes just one Brother to come up with a viable idea, that light bulb moment, to change the fortunes of an ailing Lodge and save the Warrant from the Grand Secretary’s shredder.
The Process
It is fair to say that SILs are not for the faint-hearted and cannot be set up ‘on a whim’. The process is considerable and requires a team of dedicated Masons to bring it into existence.
Anyone wishing to set up a SIL needs to work through the process detailed in the “Takeover Initiative” document. Once you have identified your special interest, firstly, ascertain from the pdf whether a similar Lodge already exists, because there are already Lodges for many interests and hobbies such as architecture, cigars, baking, music and teetotalling, as well as many more you may not know about. If one exists that shares your interest, approach them and see if you can join.
If not, please approach your Inspector, through your VO, and suggest one might be formed. The Inspector can then contact the SILs team and start the process. The team will help widen your research, form a strategy, advise on the way forward, open a dialogue with the receiving Lodge and shepherd you through the process.
We suggest that a MetGInsp or other Met Ruler is included within the ‘core Lodge vanguard’ to encourage and support all aspects of the transition process, assist you in getting approvals and collate a MetGL-wide overview of the potential SIL’s long-term success. Simply put, he will make the process a lot easier and quicker to navigate.
In the last twelve months, we have moved forward with new Lodges centred around Formula One, Rugby, Cricket, Golf, Social Media (Twitter), Communications & Marketing and Craft Beer. These Lodges are already thriving with a growing membership, initiates, and unattached Masons among their numbers. There are plans in the short term to introduce or reinvigorate Lodges with these themes: Boxing, Classic Cars, Fishing, Bikers, Cycling and a London Lodge with a Scottish basis.
So please do get in touch if you are:
- An existing London Mason, or currently unattached, and you would like to combine your hobby with Freemasonry and join an additional Lodge.
- - A Lodge or group of Masons looking for a new direction who would like to start a SIL.
- = An existing and long-standing London Lodge that has, or would like to have, a special interest theme, and you would like to reinvigorate your Lodge and attract new members.
- - An existing London Mason or currently unattached, and you would like to combine your hobby with Freemasonry and join an additional Lodge.
- - A Lodge or group of Masons looking for a new direction who would like to start a SIL.
- - An existing and long-standing London Lodge that has or would like to have a special interest theme, and you would like to reinvigorate your Lodge and attract new members.
I would be delighted to set up some informal sessions with the team to see how we can help.
There is more information, documentation and a SILs breakdown on Rosetta in the MetGSec’s Takeover Initiative pdf.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 49 August 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 49 here.