Dear Arena readers,
Summer is here, and I hope you are having a good time, whatever you do. The Masonic year may be over, but, oh my, did it get busy since spring! It is like everybody was raring to catch up on lost time. If the last few months are anything to judge by, next year promises to be very exciting. On a personal note, I shall leave the chair in Craft, become MEZ in Chapter, and there are some other changes I’ll mention next time.
Arena, too, is changing. We are revisiting the design and exploring ways in which we can assist you in providing us with the best content. This is your magazine, made by London Freemasons for London Freemasons, and we want it to serve you well.
We open this edition with a photo report of the Metropolitan Grand Lodge Summer Party, a unique event held annually in the sumptuous Berkshire countryside. Although the event has been held for several years, the timing had never worked so well for Arena. This year, we decided to make it work and cover it (pun intended) in Arena. It gives a chance to those who couldn’t make it to join in the fun in some ways, and perhaps it will whet your appetite for next year.
Alongside your usual features, including a bumper Royal Arch Digest, you will also discover how charities are using our donations, why the Grand Tyler stays on the wrong side of the door, the global influence of English Freemasonry and more details about several Lodges, what happens at the Met Mess and how a Lodge passed six candidates. It is a fully packed edition.
Sadly, we conclude this edition with a tribute to departed merit. We have lost so many friends, relatives, and brothers in the last two years, that it is only fitting to celebrate some in Arena. Thank you to the two Lodges who provided their moving tributes.
As ever, if you want to be featured in one of our next editions, please get in touch at

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 49 August 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 49 here.