Here are just a few of the London Lodges that have met over the Spring months, throughout Central London as well as within the dedicated Masonic Centres around the capital.

VW Bro David Wilkinson, Former Assistant Metropolitan Grand Master, was presented with a certificate celebrating 50 years in masonry by RW Bro Russell Race, Past Metropolitan Grand Master, at the Clerkenwell Lodge of Installed Masters’ meeting in March. Before David was an AMetGM he was a Deputy Group Chairman and a Metropolitan Grand Inspector. He currently sits on the MetGL Committee of Inquiry.

On 12th of March, in Mark Masons’ Hall, W Bro John Blackman, SLGR, secretary of Lodge John Evelyn No 5518, had the pleasure of installing his own son as Worshipful Master in the presence of the Master Elect’s father-in-law and brother-in-law visiting from Chatsworth Lodge No 9053. Also present were 15 members from Verity Lodge No 4870 in Eastbourne (where Bro John is also secretary).

On 18th May, Cantium Lodge No 6397 met for its 377th regular meeting. In addition to the Lodge’s 75th celebration, one of the oldest and most cherished members, W Bro Chris Corlett, received a certificate marking his 50th year in Freemasonry from W Bro Andrew Imber, MetGInsp. In addition, two joining members were balloted for and properly welcomed into the Lodge. A movable feast was enjoyed with members swapping seats between courses to reconnect with old friends. But this was not all selfless fun: £465 was raised in alms, in large part due to the ongoing efforts of a regular visitor, W Bro Danny Lowry, who once again provided a beautifully crafted gavel for his now famous “heads and tails” auction.

A lot happened during on 22nd April as St Catherine’s Park Lodge No 2899 met at The Harrow District Masonic Centre. While W Bro Glen D. McDonald, PSGD, MetGInsp was there on his official visit, W Bro Keith Dynan, LGR, was presented with his 50 years Certificate. Then, the Lodge received the Metropolitan Inspectorate Travelling Cup ‘Brotherly Love’ from the Strand Lodge No 1987 delegation.
The Lodge of Stability No 217 held its 225th year anniversary meeting on 23rd March at Freemasons’ Hall. It went very well with over 70 in attendance.

Late on a recent Sunday afternoon, 24 members of The Polytechnic Lodge No 2847 met together with potential candidates and their partners for a Greek fayre at the GReat GReek GRill House in Farringdon. The Polytechnic Lodge has a very social calendar widely supported by members and their partners. The hosts were Lodge’s own Bro George Bregasi and his wife Nikki, both from Greece. The guests feasted for over three hours on an array of Greek foods and delicious sweets and polished off a few bottles of Ouzo, Methos beers and Greek wines too. Yamas!

One of the honorary members of Love and Unity Lodge No 5354, VW Bro Derrick M Silver PGSwdB, Former AMetGM, received his 50-year long service certificate at their meeting on 5th April 2022. It was presented to him by one of his oldest and closest friends, R W Bro Stephen Fenton. At the same meeting Bro Evgeny Batov was Passed to the Second Degree. The Lodge dined at the Hilton Double Tree after the meeting.

Robert Burns Lodge No 25 met on 14th March 2022 in Temple 10 of Freemasons’ Hall. W Bro John Walter Oram, PAGStB, was presented with a 50 year Long Service Certificate by RW Bro Stephen Fenton, PJGW, former Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master. Bro John Oram was initiated into the Robert Burns Lodge No 25 by his father, W Bro William Oram, on 13th March 1972. He has worked in Metropolitan Grand Lodge in several offices and as a VO, SVO and for many years within the recapture/retention initiatives. The Lodge presented him with an engraved gold pocket watch. Seen in the bottom photo are Grand Officers present at the presentation: W Bro Clive Temple-Court, W Bro John Lake, W Bro John Oram, RW Bro Stephen Fenton, W Bro Michael Coggles and W Bro Larry Levine.

At the recent meeting of John Evelyn Lodge No 5518 held at Mark Masons’ Hall, 91 year old W Bro Rex King was presented with his 50 year certificate by Metropolitan Grand Inspector W Bro Clive Hawkins accompanied by Escorting Officer W Bro Marcus Phillips and two Metropolitan Grand Stewards, W Bro Ben Sargent-Cain and W Bro Michael Aminzade. Also present was the Lodge Senior Visiting Officer W Bro Mike Claxton. Rex was then clapped around the Lodge by the Brethren and stopped at the secretary’s table where he was presented with a lead crystal whiskey decanter and glasses which had been suitably engraved with the Lodge crest and a very nice bottle of single malt (Rex’s favourite tipple) to go in it. Bro Rex was initiated on 28th October 1967 became the Lodge’s 44th Master in February 1978. Bro Rex is still a very active member of the lodge and regularly carries out ceremonies, delivers the charge after initiation or the addresses at installation and is always willing to take any office in the absence of a Brother. Rex’s son Peter is also a past master of the Lodge

On 18th May, MetGInsp Sanjiv Gohil PAGDC attended The Playgoers Lodge No 2705 meeting and presented a 50-year certificate to W Bro Stephen Summers SLGR. The Lodge will be celebrating its 125th Anniversary in 2023/4 and, all being well, our senior member, W Bro David Longland SLGR, will be celebrating his 60th Anniversary of being initiated into the Lodge. Bro Sanjiv said it would be a pleasure to visit the Lodge during its celebratory year and present Bro David with his 60-year certificate.
On 11th April 2022, at Mark Masons’ Hall, Brethren of the Henry of Auxerre Lodge No 7235 gathered to celebrate W Bro Brian Cagliari LGR achieving 40 years of Freemasonry. His friend and Brother W Bro John Parry PSGD, MetGInsp presented him with a specially made certificate to honour his amazing work within the Lodge. Celebrations continued at the festive board where Bro Brian gave an emotional speech under a thunder of applause.

At a meeting of The Zetland and Hong Kong Lodge No 7665 on Monday 25th April, Bro Michael Brown, the great grandson of the Lodge Primus Master, W Bro Arthur Brown, was initiated into Freemasonry by his father W Bro Paul Brown, Metropolitan Grand Inspector, in the presence of his grand father, uncle, god father and over fifty Masons who had gathered to mark the occasion, including a number of overseas Brethren who had flown in from the district of Hong Kong and the Far East.

On 10th May, Westminster City School Lodge No 4305 celebrated its Centenary with a special meeting at Mark Masons’ Hall, attended by W Bro Sunil Devalia, Metropolitan Grand Inspector who presented a Letter of Congratulation from the MetGM, Sir Michael Snyder. To mark this special event in the Lodge’s history, three donations of £4,305 each were made to representatives of the Masonic Charitable Foundation, Lifelytes and the RAF Benevolent Fund. A friend of the Lodge, Bro Nino Ciaccio of Emulation 93 Lodge No 127 had flown over from Turin for the occasion. It was also an opportunity for Bro Phil Spalding to meet up with his old musician mate, W Bro Rick Wakeman.

The Worshipful Master of Music Lodge No 3688, W Bro Keith Melhuish, presented W Bro John Janes with a 60 year certificate in the presence of many Brethren and also Bro John’s family and friends. Bro John couldn’t travel to London and so the event was held at the Masonic Centre Dunstable, Bedfordshire. Bro John Charles James was initiated into the Ewell Lodge No 1851 on 2nd June 1962, joined Music Lodge No 3688 in 1973, and has been WM twice in 1984 and 2006. The photo shows Bro John with his Brethren, his Wife Joyce, son Steve, daughter Anita and their three Grandchildren, Christopher, Simon and Jodie.
On Saturday 2nd April at Freemasons’ Hall, Metropolitan Grand Inspector Tony Shepherd attended White Rose of York and Addeys’ Lodge No 2840 to present W Bro Peter Hudson with a 50 Year Long Service Certificate. The Wonderful meeting also featured an exceptional raising ceremony for Bro Haris Aloa, during which W Bro Peter, and his son, W Bro Michael Hudson, made a significant contribution. A great day was rounded off with a delicious lunch at the nearby Double Tree Hilton.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 49 August 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 49 here.