Here are just a few of the London Royal Arch Chapters that met over the Autumn of 2022 within dedicated Masonic Halls and Centres from Chingford to Harrow, Ealing to Croydon, and Southgate to Penge, as well as throughout central London.
London’s Royal Arch Chapters and Freemasons have been revelling in being back in each other’s company once again. The general sense of excitement that has been palpable since our return in September 2021, after such a long time apart, remained strong throughout spring, as masonic friends were once again united in their Chapters, with a flurry of installations, inductions, proclamations, 50-year certificates and an exciting number of exaltations taking place. Equally important, London’s Royal Arch masons relaxed and socialised together once more, breaking bread and raising their glasses in each other’s company.

- On 6th June, Amicus Chapter No 3772 exalted Bro Paul Press at Freemasons’ Hall

- On 8th June, Paddington Chapter No 3267 exalted Bro Ivan Belic

- On 9th June, Royal Crown Chapter No 3133 exalted Bro Paul Turpin

- On 10th June, St Pauls Column Chapter No 7197 exalted Bro James Andrew

- On 14th June, Commercial Travellers Chapter No 2795 exalted Bro Tommy Yates at Southgate Masonic Centre, N14

- On 17th June, the Third Metropolitan Grand Principal, E Comp Christopher Head, PGSoj, visited William Preston Chapter No 766 - meeting at the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia Temple in Belgrade, Serbia – as its Visiting Officer to witness the exaltation of Bro Vedad Pasic, a university professor from Bosnia and Herzegovina. This Chapter meets in Serbia under dispensation from Metropolitan Grand Chapter.

- On 18th June, United Engineers Chapter No 3862 held their installation meeting.

- On 23rd June, Utilitas Chapter No 5693 performed the triple exaltation of Bros Mark Back, Andreas Kezer and Jordan Magtoto.

- On 5th September, United Strength Chapter No 228 celebrated its Centenary with a visit from the Assistant Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, E Comp Simon White

- On 6th September, E Comp Sebastien Giroux was installed as First Principal of Henry of Auxerre and Sanctuary Chapter No 3051

- On 7th September, Acanthus Chapter No 2715 exalted Bro Graham Rolle before retiring to La Ballerina, Covent Garden, for a spirited Festive Board.

- On 8th September, Wellfield Chapter No 4271 met for their installation meeting.

- On 9th September, Temple Chapter at Jerusalem No 4611 installed E Comp Tony Shepherd and Comp Andy Kemmish as First and Third Principals, respectively

- On 9th September, Athenaeum Chapter No 1491 held a ‘business meeting’ before joining Aldwych Chapter No 3096 to assist in exaltation as part of the Welcome Project, following which both Chapters dined together at the CAA Club, Bedford St, WC2.

- On 16th September, Mendelssohn Chapter No 2661 exalted Bro Muhammad Nazar.

- On 16th September, Athol Chapter No 5241 exalted Bro Tony Wilkin-Oliver

- On the 20th of September, Wantage Chapter No 3178 met to receive a Lecture entitled ‘Hidden Secrets of the Royal Arch Tracing Board’ presented by E Comp Andrew Farleigh.

- On 23rd September, Aquarius Chapter No 3131, Consecrated by professionals associated with the Metropolitan Water Board, exalted Bro Leonard Bishop.

- On 29th September, the Metropolitan Grand Stewards Demonstration Team presented an ‘Explanation of The Royal Arch Tracing Boards’ to the Hertfordshire Provincial Grand Stewards Chapter No 8984 at The Cloisters in Letchworth.

- On 29th September, the North London Chapter of First Principals Chapter No 9784 met at Southgate Masonic Centre, N14 and received a Lecture from E Comp Mike Neville on ‘Masonic Politicians’.

- On 30th September, London First Principals Chapter No 2712 installed Ex Comps Stanley Haines, John Roscoe and Jack Rose as Principals and celebrated by dining in the vestibule of the Grand Temple at Freemasons’ Hall

- On 1st October, Paddington Rifles Chapter No 2807 exalted Alex Manalo and Carlo Acevedo in the presence of Metropolitan Grand Inspector E Comp Wayne Hirst.

- On 3rd October, Old Shirburnian Chapter No 3304 conducted a rehearsal of the exaltation Ceremony at Furniture Makers’ Hall.

- On 4th October, the companions of Canada Chapter No 3527 exalted Bro Sam Humphreys in a wonderful ceremony at Freemasons’ Hall in the company of Metropolitan Grand Inspector, E Comp. Ian Burgess. As befits the Chapter, the newly made Royal Arch Mason was born in Canada and initiated there before joining Canada Lodge after arriving in the UK 10 years ago.

- On 6th October, Dalston Chapter No 3008 performed the double exaltation of Bros Danjuma Hassan and Ricky Miller.

- On 10th October, Cholmeley Chapter No 1731 met for its installation and dined extremely well within the stunning environs of the Great Hall at St Barts, EC2, hoping to return in the not-too-distanced-future after a massive refurbishment programme to this wonderful venue.

- On 14th October, Benevolentia Chapter No 2549 dined at Radisson Blu Edwardian following their convocation.

- On 17th October, Royal Alfred Chapter No 780 held its installation meeting at the West London Masonic Centre, Ealing W14

- On 17th October, Anglo Colonial Chapter No 3175 exalted Bro Jason Ghayour

- On 22nd October, Gallery Chapter No 1928 held its installation meeting.

- On 24th October, Cator Chapter No 2266, Led by First Principal E Comp Stephen Schofield, Metropolitan Grand Steward, exalted Bro Greg Silcock. A fun dinner was enjoyed at the theatrical Sarastro, on Drury Lane.

- On 25th October, Stockwell Chapter No 1339 performed the double exaltation of Bros Solomon Nakpodia-Jehwo and Robert Bucknor-Smartt.

- On 26th October, Beadon Chapter No 619 held its installation meeting.

- Peckham Chapter No 1475, the prestigious Chapter for Royal Arch Escorting Officers, met and dined within Freemasons Hall

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 50 December 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 50 here.