E Comp David Seddon, SLGCR, Metropolitan Grand Steward
Each Chapter celebrating its centenary has its own unique story.
The journey to the centenary of Renaissance Chapter No 3408 was fraught with cancellations as Covid 19 took its toll. Originally scheduled for 2020, after two faltering attempts we were at last able to celebrate on 12th July 2022 at Freemasons Hall.
The ‘save the date’ invitations were duly sent out and we were both honoured and privileged to accept positive replies from the Deputy Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, E Comp The Rev Timothy L’Estrange, the 3rd Metropolitan Grand Principal, E Comp Chris Head, two Assistant Metropolitan Grand Superintendents, E Comps Ian Clark and Simon White, together with two former Deputy Metropolitan Grand Superintendents, a retinue of Metropolitan Grand Inspectors and an array of Grand Officers - Quite an honour for Renaissance. E Comp Timothy was escorted by E Comp William Hale, Metropolitan Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.

The 47 attendees were treated to an abridged history of our wonderful Chapter and then a magnificent presentation was delivered by the Metropolitan Grand Chapter Royal Arch Tracing Board Demonstration Team, ably led by E Comp Simon White and supported by Ian Morrison and his faultless team.
Just prior to preparing the summons, our Scribe Ezra. fortuitously discovered the original Chapter logo and this was then proudly enabled to be displayed. I also prepared this same logo and suitable wording onto whisky glasses that were presented to all Chapter members and visitors at our unforgettable festive board, held within the Doubletree at Hilton. In all a wonderful occasion to celebrate this landmark in Renaissance Chapter’s history, and I was very proud have played a leading role in our Centenary Celebrations.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 50 December 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 50 here.