E Comp John Peters PGSoj MetGInsp reports
On 13th June 2022, a full contingent of the inspectorate visiting team, including an escorting officer and two Metropolitan Grand Stewards, attended Portsoken Chapter No 5088, led by E Comp John Peters PGSoj, Metropolitan Grand Inspector, to present E Comp Neville Joseph PAGSoj with his 60th Year Royal Arch Long Service Certificate, postponed from 2021 due to the Covid-19 restrictions. A 60th Year certificate is a special milestone for the recipient and, indeed, the Chapter and this occasion was no exception.
E Comp Neville was born in 1936 and was initiated into Craft Freemasonry in 1959 as a member of Portsoken Lodge No 5088, where he is still a member, following in the footsteps of his grand officer father, who held the Rank of PAGDC.
E Comp Neville was Exalted in 1961, and the Royal Arch still plays a major part in his masonic life today as he is currently a member of 5 Chapters, having been MEZ on four occasions which included Euclid First Principals No 7464 and, of course, Portsoken Chapter in 2000.
He received Royal Arch Active Grand Rank in 1989 as Grand Standard Bearer being further promoted, in 2001, to Past Assistant Grand Sojourner. In Portsoken Chapter, he was Scribe E from 1991 until 1997 and Charity Steward for 11 years from 2007.
During an “interview style” presentation, E Comp Neville spoke of how much he has enjoyed the privilege of being a mason, has made many long-lasting and very good friends, and besides being active in masonry had led a busy personal life outside of it, particularly in his business career as a chartered accountant. What became clear from the presentation is that E Comp Neville still retains great enthusiasm for Freemasonry and particularly for the Royal Arch.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 50 December 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 50 here.