On 11 December 1946, five members of Thames-side by Tower Lodge No 5423, drawn from employees of the Port of London Authority, met to consider forming a Chapter and, following a petition to Supreme Grand Chapter, Thames-side by Tower Chapter No 5423 was consecrated on 31 October 1947.
The Chapter went through periods of success as well as more challenging times and was successful until the decision was made by Thames-side by Tower Lodge to hand in the warrant on 28 October 1997.
This left the Chapter without a sponsoring Lodge, which was not permitted at the time.
The members therefore canvassed the Square Mile Lodge No 9352, as it did not have an affiliated Chapter, to which the members of the Lodge overwhelmingly agreed and this affiliation was thankfully completed in 1999, avoiding the need for the Chapter to hand in its charter.
The Chapter now has a broad church of feeder Lodges but never forgets the traditions of Thames-side.
To celebrate the 75th anniversary and, despite the threats of rail strikes, and the unfortunate death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the MEZ, E Comp. Nick Wills received the Guest of Honour, E Comp. Timothy L’Estrange PGSN Deputy Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, and the Metropolitan Grand Chapter delegation on Thursday, 15th September 2022, at 10 Duke Street, St James’s for a convivial 75th Anniversary meeting.

At the meeting E Comp Gerald Goodall PGStB presented a brief history of the Chapter and E Comp Rodney Easthill LGCR produced an IPZ Jewel of Thames-side by Tower Chapter that he had in his possession. The Companions agreed that this should be displayed on the MEZ’s collar as a permanent reminder of the link to Thames-side by Tower Chapter.
After the meeting Companions dined at the RAF Club in Piccadilly.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 50 December 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 50 here.