E Comp Richie Miller JP, SLGCR. The Welcome Project Coordinator (RA)
A number of recent Exaltees from Metropolitan Chapters visited John Hervey Chapter No 1260 on the 6th of June at Mark Masons’ Hall to witness a master class on how to split the ceremony of exaltation. A superb rendition of ‘added theatre’ gave further visual insight into the story behind the Royal Arch and was topped by a fascinating description of the Royal Arch Discovering the Vault Tracing Board.
All 15 Chapter members contributed to the meeting. The mystical lecture was delivered in a unique question and answer format that gave 6 members the opportunity to be involved in the ceremony.
Companion Les Hearn, the lucky exaltee on the day was greeted into Royal Arch Masonry by visiting Metropolitan Grand Inspector E. Comp Robert Lakic. The exaltees guide was presented by Visiting Officer E. Comp Will Garrod after which E. Comp Jeremy Beech, the Chapter’s former Metropolitan Grand Inspector delivered an explanation of the tracing board and presented Companion Les with a personalised copy.
Through The Welcome Project six exaltees had the opportunity to view the ceremony shortly after their own, in one case just two days!
The exaltees all agreed The Welcome Project is a great vehicle of introduction into the Royal Arch and added to their understanding to the ceremony and at a highly convivial festive board, where 31 Companions topped off a memorable occasion with new friendships.

Visiting exaltee Comp. David commented “It was a great evening and very informative, the workings were excellent and showed a great joint effort by the Companions of the Chapter”.
This was echoed by Comp. Filippo who said “a superb meeting and dinner”.
Further meeting dates for Lodges and Chapters hosting The Welcome Project are shown at https://www.thewelcomeproject.co.uk the dedicated Project website for booking into meetings.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 50 December 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 50 here.