Dear Arena readers,
You may have spotted that Arena has come out a little later than usual. This comes among some of the changes we are bringing forward. We have re-aligned the four annual editions to better report on key Metropolitan events such as the LGR investiture and the Lord Mayor’s Show.
We are trialling some new designs, notably in the Craft digest and throughout the Royal Arch section. This is to reach out more to Brethren and cover more events. Feel free to offer comments and ideas at
As ever, you are in for a joyous ride among Brethren and Companions. First, we wanted to introduce the new Metropolitan Grand Secretary and Grand Scribe Ezra, W Bro and E Comp Matthew Christmas. Your usual features follow, including how our charitable donations are used, what the Kent Club has been up to, and some daily advancement with Solomon and the Museum of Freemasonry.
As an underlying thread, we explore the everlasting endurance of our beloved Freemasonry. From celebrating a 225th anniversary to rejuvenating a dying Lodge, you will meet the Brethren who celebrate their Lodges and the many ideas that can send a lifeline to a Lodge ready to surrender its warrant. Some of the stories are very inspiring and can provide new ideas if you ever need them.
And finally, thank you to all those Brethren and Companions who come selflessly to help their fellow creatures in times of need. Reporting on all these stories of spontaneous benevolence is deeply heart-warming. Have a great Christmas. Keep warm this winter, help others stay warm when you can, and don’t hesitate to ask for help yourself when you need it.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 50 December 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 50 here.