It’s been a funny old week. As I put fingers to keyboard in the Café at Freemasons’ Hall, I contemplate, like many of us, the sadness and yet see great friendship and unity around the capital and Nation. It encourages me to see this, and like Freemasonry, it bonds us together. This I have witnessed as I was both honoured and lucky enough to have been able to attend the Quarterly Communications meeting along with many hundreds of Brethren. On behalf of The Kent Club for London Freemasons, I wish the new Pro Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Assistant Grand Master the very best in their roles.

Looking back, all those months ago, we were again lucky with the weather at the annual summer picnic and BBQ held at Thatched Cottage in Hever. Again, our thanks go to W Bro Ivor and Wendy Macklin for hosting it. We were also lucky enough to visit a very full temple No 10, where we attended the King’s College School Lodge No 4257 for their delayed centenary meeting before the summer break. The festive board was in the Connaught Rooms and was an exceptional feast with great company.

Looking forward, we have a raft of events coming up for you this season. To start with, we will be attending the Whiskey Show at Old Billingsgate, where some of our lucky members will be able to sample up to 650 different types of whiskey. If that’s not worth your £10 a year membership, I don’t know what is!

October is a busy month with three fabulous events, the first of which is being hosted at the Horus Lodge No 3155, and their guest of Honour is Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master RW Bro Warren Duke. Our second event is the very popular and entertaining tour of the old and notorious east end of London by our very own W Bro Vas Blackwood. Lastly, we are attending the Lodge of St. Julian No 5107, the Innholders Livery Company Lodge. Here we will have a tour of the Company’s hall, followed by a double passing, before being treated to an exquisite dining experience by a Michelin-star chef. Remember, these events get snapped up very quickly - so go to the link below and sign yourself up!

In November, we will be attending Pellipar Lodge No 2693, which was the first City Livery Company Lodge to be formed back in 1898 and whose origins started with the Skinners Livery Company, but now members are usually from the great twelve livery companies. The Lodge meets and dines at Wax Chandlers’ Hall.

Last but by no means least, in December, the long-awaited flightclub “fun” darts event between The Kent Club and our younger Brethren from The Connaught Club will be held. So if there are any budding Eric Bristow or John Lowe out there, please get in touch urgently, as despite the word “fun”, I suspect there will be a healthy amount of serious competition going on!
All our events can be found on our web page
Remember, joining the Kent Club for London Freemasons is very easy and only £10 per year! If this looks like something for you and you like the idea of meeting interesting people, attending unique and specialist events and broadening your masonic horizons, then go to and sign up! The more, the merrier, and remember our motto “Great members and great events, make great memories!”

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 50 December 2022 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 50 here.