If the isolation of lockdowns through the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that we can still maintain contact with our members through technology.
Most of us are now happily returning to our Lodges. However, there are still brethren that are unable to venture out to meetings, for example due to ongoing health issues or shielding. The need for contact with these members is essential; both to support them and to make them feel as much a part of the Lodge as ever before.
Like many Lodges, the Kentish Lodge No 3021 has added video calls to its method of contact for general meetings and member catch-ups, along with conducting their Lodge of Instruction virtually.
At their recent Installation meeting, the Lodge took the technology one step further and introduced a video call at their Festive Board for their ‘Absent Brethren’ to join them for the 9 o’clock toast.
As well as vulnerability, others on this occasion were forced to stay at home due to the national rail strikes, which made it increasingly sad for members not being able to see their new Master being installed.

Prior to the meeting, the Lodge contacted those members who were unable to attend; informed them of the intention to hold a video call and then set up the required video link. At 9 o’clock it was with great pleasure and joy that those absent members could join the festive board for that special toast, bringing members together. Although absent in person, hopefully those Brethren knew they were in the hearts and minds of those present.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 52 August 2023 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 52 here.