In our last issue, we heard how Polytechnic Lodge No 2847’s Blue Table had attracted new members to Freemasonry. W Bro Gerald McLean LGR of Alfred Newton Lodge No.2686 reports on a similar – and very successful – evening at Cyngesburie Lodge No 5607, at which he was a guest.
It was an extraordinary privilege to receive an invitation to the Cyngesburie Lodge No 5607 Blue Table event on October 3rd, where the Lodge graciously opened its doors to no fewer than 16 distinguished non-Masons, creating an atmosphere of warmth, camaraderie, and Masonic spirit.
The evening included a guided tour of the Lodge, expertly led by the Director of Ceremonies W Bro Clive Webber, when the guests were given an exclusive glimpse into the sacred traditions and rich history that define the heart of a Mason.
One attendee was Stephen Pound, Former MP and Mayor of Ealing, who said, “There are few institutions which are the subject of so much misinformation as Freemasonry and the initiative arranged by W Bro Tony Johnson to invite non-Freemasons to visit his Lodge and Freemasons’ Hall was timely and a positive step in introducing the realities of Freemasonry to the outside world. Like all those privileged to attend I was struck by three things. Firstly, the immensely impressive museum which was a revelation and a source of so much historical information that it warranted a visit by itself. Secondly, the sheer splendour and structure of the building which could not fail to impress. Thirdly, the warm, welcoming and completely open greeting we received from officers of the Lodge and the way in which all our questions were answered. My visit not only dispelled much of the mystique but revealed the depth of the charitable activity and sheer good fellowship that imbues modern Freemasonry. Freemasons deserve great credit for the good work they undertake without fanfare but the Cyngesburie Lodge deserves praise for an initiative that introduced us to the real and estimable values of Freemasonry.”
Following the Lodge tour, which was both well delivered and well received, the theme of powerful performances continued; as our group journeyed to the CAA in Covent Garden, a private members club dedicated to the world of Acts & Actors. As the night unfolded, the conviviality of the Masonic Brotherhood was on full display.

After a brief sojourn in the club’s vibrant bar, we were ushered into a private dining area, where the Lodge members and guests enjoyed a fine four-course meal with wines followed by a tasteful selection of port. As a guest, I know I speak for all who attended in extending our heartfelt appreciation to the lodge for this exceptional evening of unity and camaraderie.
As a direct result of the Blue Table event, the Lodge expects to announce new candidates for initiation at the next meeting followed by at least a double initiation during their 27th February 2024 General Meeting. Lodge Secretary, W Bro Martin Day, says, “The success of our Blue Table event reinforced my belief that there is growing interest across all ages to find out more about Freemasonry. These individuals desire to engage and get involved; and the Blue Table proved to be the best platform to invite inquiry to our fraternity and address misconceptions, innuendo and ill-informed external comments. We received several requests to join our Lodge within 48 hours of the event, which I believe only goes to prove the point…”

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 53 December 2023 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 53 here.