There was a chill in the air on a bright sunlit morning as Companions made their way to Freemasons’ Hall for the annual Convocation of Metropolitan Grand Chapter on 17th April, 2024.
W Bro Trevor Koschalka reports
As the Companions gathered in the beautiful surroundings of the Grand Temple there was much happiness evident as friendships were renewed and congratulations offered to those who were receiving honours, but also a certain sadness knowing that this was the very last official engagement of the Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, Sir Michael Snyder.
After the customary briefings, a number of processions entered the Temple culminating with the entrance of the Metropolitan Grand Superintendent. The Metropolitan Grand Chapter was then opened, and Sir Michael welcomed all those present.
After a report, the Companions received with rousing applause the 2nd Grand Principal, Russell Race, with an entourage of Grand Officers. After being welcomed by the Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, Companion Race took his seat.
The Metropolitan Grand Superintendent then proceeded to invest those who had been honoured with Senior London Grand Chapter Rank and London Grand Chapter Rank.
The business of the meeting was then taken, including the reports of the Treasurer, Scribe Ezra, Almoner and Charity Steward and Communications Officer.
Sir Michael then moved on to the appointment and reappointment of the Officers of Metropolitan Grand Chapter. He also presented the Assistant Metropolitan Grand Superintendent and Metropolitan Grand Inspectors who were retiring with their collarettes.
The Metropolitan Grand Superintendent then gave a speech to the assembled Companions. He started by saying that it was wonderful to celebrate the achievements of so many who give so much to their own Chapters, to Metropolitan Grand Chapter and the Royal Arch as a whole.
He added that in welcoming visitors, he was particularly delighted to be in the company of Most Excellent Companion Russell Race, 2nd Grand Principal and Past Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, as well as six visiting Grand Superintendents and members of their executives.
He paid tribute to his deputy, the Reverend Timothy L’Estrange; who he noted juggles raising a young family and running a busy west London parish along with an immense amount of work for the Royal Arch in London. He thanked Companion L’Estrange for his tireless support. He added that they were also well supported by the Metropolitan Grand Principals, the Assistant Grand Superintendents and Metropolitan Grand Inspectors; whom he also thanked.
Sir Michael said that it had been his pleasure to invest those receiving London Grand Chapter Ranks as well as the Active Metropolitan Grand Officers for the forthcoming year. He said that those Companions had earned their honours for all their work across the Royal Arch, but emphasised the need to continue with that work and to be Royal Arch ambassadors.
He said that the Royal Arch continued to thrive in London; and if Chapters needed help, it was available from the Ritual Support Team. He also gave a mention to some Chapters which are being repurposed; such as Florence Nightingale Lodge – the Lodge for Almoners – who do valuable work supporting elderly Companions and widows, which will have its own Chapter, too. The Metropolitan Royal Arch Executive has taken over Old Dundee Chapter No 18; and Macauley Chapter No 5010 is the Chapter for Royal Arch Representatives and the Craft Metropolitan Assistant Grand Inspectors (MAGI) who coordinate Royal Arch awareness in Lodges. He also invited all present to take new Companions to Royal Arch Welcome Project experiences.
Sir Michael went on to speak about the Savage Club ritual; and said that he fully endorsed this fresh approach to the Exaltation. There are to be four demonstrations of it in the coming months and these dates will be advertised. The Metropolitan Grand Superintendent thanked Boris Sarandev and his team for the work that they are doing to promote the Royal Arch in Bulgaria; and particularly for hosting a visit last year by the Metropolitan team, during which he was invested as the 31st Metropolitan Grand Inspector for the Metropolitan Grand Inspectorate in Bulgaria.

He then thanked four retiring Metropolitan Grand Inspectors – Paul Armstrong, John Burnapp, Nick Garnish and Glen McDonald – for all their hard work.
Then to collaboration. Sir Michael said that, in London, we are neither red nor blue but like to think of ourselves as ‘Team Violet’: we strive to work together as one, as amply illustrated by the number of Metropolitan Officers who are dual-roled. We welcome the Pro First Grand Principal’s emphasis on this, and his plans to bring the fees for Initiation and Exaltation into one.
Sir Michael also added that how much can be achieved collectively is emphasised by the ‘Up Against Time Appeal’. He added that he had no doubt that London’s Masons will reach their £3m target by the end of the year, towards the cost of two replacement helicopters for London’s Air Ambulance. He said it had been a real pleasure to present the Metropolitan Grand Superintendent’s Award to those Chapters which have donated £5,000 or more to the Appeal, and also mentioned the group of Met Masons who had had their beards shaved off on the morning of the Convocation, raising over £10,000 in doing so. He invited them to stand and hoped that there would not be too many plasters on their faces!
He thanked Paul King, Metropolitan Grand Charity Steward, and Stratton Richey for the enormous amount of work that they have done in reminding Lodges and Chapters of dormant relief chests and how to donate most effectively, concluding: “Let’s all ensure that we fulfil our commitment of £3 million by the end of the year.”
Sir Michael thanked all those who had supported him during his tenure: his deputy, the Assistant Metropolitan Superintendents, the Inspectors and the various teams who support Metropolitan Grand Chapter. He paid particular tribute to Matthew Christmas, Guy Foster and their teams for all the work they do to ensure events like the Convocation run smoothly. He also thanked Kevin Howard who was standing down after four years as Assistant Metropolitan Scribe Ezra and would now chair a new working party on diversity, equality and inclusion.
On his retirement, Sir Michael noted that he would miss his role, but was delighted to have been given new challenges and responsibilities in Grand Lodge. He commended his worthy successor, Warren Duke, whom he said had a very wise head on his shoulders, is a team player and well known to all. He added that whilst Masonic etiquette did not allow him to attend Warren’s Installation, he would raise a glass to Warren and to all. But as we now now, he was able to attend after all in his new capacity as Deputy Grand Master which was wonderful!
Sir Michael concluded by thanking everyone for making today special for the investees and himself. As he sat down, he was given a rousing standing ovation. The Metropolitan Grand Chapter was then closed and the Metropolitan Grand Superintendent and 2nd Grand Principal retired in procession.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 55 Summer 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 55 here.