London’s Royal Arch Chapters and Companions continue to revel in each other’s company with installations, inductions, proclamations, 50-year certificates, Centenaries and a flurry of exaltations taking place. Following wonderful convocations full of fervency and zeal, London’s Royal Arch Masons continue to relax and socialise together, raising their glasses and breaking bread, fully embracing the true meaning of fellowship.

Father and Son at St Alfege
St Alfege Chapter No 4637 on 12th March met at Mark Masons’ Hall to firstly welcome Joining Member, Comp Stewart Bowles; and then to Exalt his son, Bro Vinni Bowles in a highly emotional afternoon. The Exaltation Team featured eight different Companions, who delivered a ceremony of the highest quality and sincerity, in the presence of E Comp Tony Shepherd, Metropolitan Grand Inspector. The Chapter then proceeded to pass a Proposition to donate £400 in addition to its previous donation towards the Metropolitan Grand Superintendent’s London Air Ambulance Appeal, before retiring to supper within Mark Masons’ Hall.
Torch Chapter receives Tracing Board
On 16th March, Torch Chapter No 7236 met at Freemasons’ Hall to receive an Explanation of the Royal Arch Tracing Board, composed by senior Chapter member, E Comp Tony Northcott.

Double Exaltation for Australia Chapter
Australia Chapter No 6505 gathered on 20th March at Freemasons’ Hall for the double Exaltation of Bros Nicolas Côté and Nigel Keegan, in the presence of E Comp Tony Shepherd, Metropolitan Grand Inspector and accompanied by E Comp Andy Cumming, Metropolitan Assistant Grand Standard Bearer; and Metropolitan Grand Stewards, E Comps Lex Agathangelou and Michael Igoe, who kindly acted as his Escorting Team. The highly accomplished ceremony concluded with a walk to the nearby Garrick Club, in Covent Garden, where a wonderfully atmospheric and sumptuous Festive Board was enjoyed within one of the Club’s exceptional and elegant dining rooms.
Crusaders’ Chapter
On 22nd March, Crusaders’ Chapter No 1677 met at 10 Duke Street, St James’, and Exalted Bro Bobby Coates into the Royal Arch before dining at Mark Masons’ Hall.

City of Westminster Chapter
City of Westminster Chapter No 1563 met at Freemasons’ Hall on 25th March to receive an introduction to Archway and to welcome former VO and SVO E Comp Zac Smith as an Honorary Member. They then retired to La Ballerina for a fun-filled dinner.

Porchway Chapter
On 2nd April, Porchway Chapter No 4675 met at Freemasons’ Hall, where Comp Andrew Cook was Installed as Third Principal, and Metropolitan Grand Inspector E Comps Tony Masella and Jim Wagstaff were inducted as Second and First Principals respectively. An evening full of laughter and chat was then enjoyed at the Trattoria Verde, Southampton Row, where the sweet trolley took a hammering!

Breast Jewel Explanation for ISMA Chapter
At Mark Masons’ Hall, on 5th April 2024, Metropolitan Grand Inspector E Comp Nick Critchlow visited Isma Chapter No 5009; and together with all present, enjoyed an excellent and superb Explanation of the Royal Arch Breast Jewel. Much laughter and chat was shared at the bar before a fabulous dinner within the Hall.
Lively growth for Empire Chapter
Empire Chapter No 2108 met at 10 Duke St, St. James on 17th April for the Installation of E Comp Mani Raziani as First Principal. Mani extended a warm welcome to the Chapter’s new Visiting Officer, E Comp Tony Allcock OBE, and four Joining Members. It was announced that at the next convocation, Empire Chapter will ballot for an additional four Joiners and conduct a double Exaltation ceremony. A first-class Festive Board was enjoyed at the Chapter’s customary dining venue, the elegant Royal Ocean Racing Club in St James’, London SW1.

Savage Ritual Exaltation Demonstrations
Two demonstrations of the Savage Ritual Exaltation ceremony were held on 20th June, firstly by the Metropolitan Grand Stewards Chapter No 9812, and then on 2nd July, hosted by the Royal Arch Escorting Officers Chapter, Peckham No 1475, both at Freemasons’ Hall.
The Savage Ritual Exaltation ceremony is similar to that of the mainstream rituals but has been arranged to arguably make better logical sense and to be easier for the candidate to follow. Yet it is also designed to be shorter in duration without losing any meaningful content.

Companions will recognise much of the ritual as it is more or less identical to that which they are likely to already use; so if a Chapter wishes to adopt it, little additional learning would be needed.
Future demonstrations are scheduled for 24th September at West London Masonic Centre, Ealing W13, hosted by West London Chapter of First Principals and on 13th November at Freemasons’ Hall, hosted by Euclid Chapter of First Principals.
For more on the experiences of Savage Ritual, see the interviews on page 34.

Enoch Chapter
Enoch Chapter No 11 met at Freemasons’ Hall on 17th April for the Exaltation of Bro Omonefe Uwanogho. A wonderful celebratory dinner followed at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel on Southampton Row.

Chapter of Unity
Chapter of Unity No 183 met on 20th April at Freemasons’ Hall, welcoming Metropolitan Grand Inspector E Comp Tony Masella for the Exaltation of Bro Dale Heyman. They dined at Tuttons, on the Covent Garden Piazza.
A strong donation from Kings Cross Chapter
On 15th April, Kings Cross Chapter No 1732 received a visit from Metropolitan Grand Inspector E Comp Tony Masella, at Freemasons’ Hall. Tony Exalted Bro Gareth Hastings and in return was presented with a donation of £1,000 towards the London Air Ambulance Appeal.
Johann Gutenberg Chapter
Johann Gutenberg Chapter No 5593 met at Freemasons’ Hall on 20th April, where Metropolitan Grand Inspector, E Comp Tony Shepherd, presented a Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate to Comp Chris Tilbrook. He then gladly received a £500 donation towards the London Air Ambulance Appeal. Dining was hosted at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel.

Three Pillars Chapter
Meeting on 27th April, Three Pillars Chapter No 4923 welcomed Metropolitan Grand Inspector E Comp Tony Shepherd at Mark Masons’ Hall for the Exaltation of Bro Jag Chatha. E Comp Tony was accompanied by an Escorting team, comprising E Comps Jason Pearson, Seirios Kokkalis and Paul Murphy. A fantastic dinner was enjoyed within the Hall.
Viator Chapter
Viator Chapter No 2308 met on 27th April at Freemasons’ Hall for the Exaltation of Bro Lukas Audickas. They also presented a donation of £500 to Metropolitan Grand Inspector, E Comp Tony Masella, towards the London Air Ambulance Appeal. An informal but entertaining and lively dinner followed at Wetherspoons ‘Penderel’s Oak’ on High Holborn.

Hospitality at the heart of Royal Arch…
Gastvrijheid Chapter No 3970, the ‘mother Chapter’ of E Comp Tony Masella, Metropolitan Grand Inspector, met on 25th April at 10 Duke Street to elect their Principals. Consecrated in 1950, it takes its name from the Lodge of the same name and number, formed under the Dutch Grand East Lodge by Naval & Military Personnel in 1915 who were prisoners of war in Holland. The name ‘Gastvrijheid’ means hospitality, which was in full flow at the lively festive board within the RAG Club (Army and Navy), Pall Mall, maintaining the military tradition of the Chapter!

Aretas Centenary includes a generous donation
On 13th June, Aretas Chapter No 4268 held an Emergency Convocation at the Civil Service Club, Scotland Yard, SW1 to celebrate the Centenary of its Consecration on 29th May 1924. The meeting was held in the presence of Guest of Honour, E Comp Timothy L’Estrange, the Deputy Metropolitan Grand Superintendent and many other distinguished Companions. The convocation commenced with a brief explanation of the Chapter history by E Comp Luke Jackson and the presentation of a ‘Letter of congratulations’ to the Chapter by E Comp Timothy on achieving 100 years. The Chapter then received an excellent talk, previously given at the London Grand Rank Association in May 2023, from E Comp Richard Shuttleworth, a retired air ambulance pilot; and the presentation of a very generous £2,000 towards the Metropolitan Grand Superintendent’s “Up Against Time”, London Air Ambulance Appeal. 47 very happy, hungry and thirsty companions then retired to enjoy an excellent festive board within the Civil Service Club.

Continued success and generosity from Stoke Newington Chapter
Stoke Newington Chapter No 2552 met and dined on 25th April at the Civil Service Club, Scotland Yard, London SW1. Metropolitan Grand Inspector E Comp Nick Critchlow received a generous donation of £1,500 towards the London Air Ambulance Appeal from the First Principal. E Comp Nick paid particular tribute to Chapter Scribe Ezra, E Comp Gary Duce, for his continuing hard work to stabilise and grow the Chapter. Gary has aligned Chapter meeting dates with those of Stoke Newington Lodge, which has already reaped rewards by increasing attendance and dining at both Lodge and Chapter; thus increasing everyone’s enjoyment of their London Masonry.

A Stateside icon for Temple Chapter
On 3rd May, Temple Chapter at Jerusalem No 4611 met at Mark Masons’ Hall and received a talk on the strong and enduring Masonic connections surrounding the origins, construction and dedication of New York City’s iconic Statue of Liberty.

Chapter of Perseverance
On 26th April at Freemasons’ Hall, Chapter of Perseverance No 1743 welcomed Metropolitan Grand Inspector E Comp Tony Shepherd for the Exaltation of Bro Gareth Duffy. E Comp Tony also made a presentation of a Supreme Grand Chapter certificate to Comp Terry Pike, father of Principal Sojourner E Comp Jason Pike. Dinner was taken at the Bloomsbury Thistle in Holborn.

Two Centenaries in Two Days
Within the space of two days, Assistant Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, E Comp Ian Clark, was afforded the privilege of officially visiting two Chapters to assist in celebrating their Centenaries on behalf of Metropolitan Grand Chapter.
Mandate Chapter No 4258 met on 9th April at Mark Masons’ Hall; and Grenadiers Chapter No 66 at Freemasons’ Hall the following day. Both celebratory meetings received brief, but fascinating and entertaining, Centenary histories of the respective Chapters, including various amusing anecdotes recorded in the Chapter archives, both Chapters having been conceived with contrasting backgrounds and origins.
Both Mandate and Grenadiers Chapters were formally presented with a Centenary Charter, and both received an oration that harkened back to those days in the early 1920s when the world was bursting forth from the carnage of the ‘war to end all wars’ with much optimism and social, political and economic change, amidst the ‘roaring 20s’.

E Comp Ian Clark presented the First Principal of each Chapter with an original of The Times newspaper, published on the day of their respective Consecrations, with the firm belief that the Founding Companions would be so proud of the current and past members of both Chapters, and how that companionship and true brotherly love had helped them to arrive at their respective Centenaries, and that now was the time to start planning for the next 100 years.

Royal Arch in Camera for Lion & Lamb Chapter
Lion & Lamb Chapter No 192 met at Freemasons’ Hall on 27th June for a presentation of “Royal Arch in Camera – Your Chapter in Focus”. Royal Arch in Camera is a performance that takes the Companions in a dramatic way through the offices in the Chapter, with descriptions of the characters represented and explanations of their background history. Guidance is also given on the protocols and procedures that should be observed, and some of the symbolism in the Royal Arch story is also covered. The presenting Team on this occasion were E Comps Derek Muston, Peter Hern and Terry Longstaff.

Sir Thomas White Chapter
Sir Thomas White Chapter No 1820 met on May 7th at Freemasons’ Hall and received a visit from Metropolitan Grand Inspector E Comp Tony Shepherd; escorted by E Comp Alex Malmaeus, Metropolitan Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies. The Chapter received a Talk from E Comp Peter Cox, entitled “The evolution of the Royal Arch Ritual”. A glorious dinner, hosted at Bucks Club, was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Old Dundee Chapter
On 8th May, Old Dundee No 18, the Chapter whose membership is taken from former and current Metropolitan Grand Chapter Rulers, met and dined within Freemasons’ Hall.

Anglo Sierra Leone Chapter
Anglo Sierra Leone Chapter No 9416 met at Freemasons’ Hall on May 7th for the Exaltation of Bro George Abraham and dined at the Royal India in Covent Garden.

St Paul’s Chapter
On 18th May, Metropolitan Grand Inspector E Comp Nick Critchlow visited St Paul’s Chapter No 194 at Chingford Masonic Hall, London E4, for the double Exaltation of Bros Deane Kustner and Esmond Syfox. The Chapter enjoyed their traditional ‘Big Boys’ English fry up’ for lunch, where the Metropolitan Grand Inspector was not surprisingly seen having seconds!

A 150th Anniversary for William Preston Chapter – much success in Eastern Europe
On 21st June, William Preston Chapter No 766 – meeting in Belgrade, Serbia since 2016 – celebrated its 150th Anniversary with an official visit from the Deputy Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, E Comp Timothy L’Estrange, escorted by E Comp Jason Pearson, Metropolitan Grand Standard Bearer. They were joined by its Visiting Officer, the Third Metropolitan Grand Principal, E Comp Christopher Head; and over 70 Companions from 10 countries. A first-class Exaltation ceremony for Bro Igor Ilicin was followed by a short talk on the history of the Chapter, and the presentation of Supreme Grand Certificates.
William Preston Chapter carries the name of a distinguished Freemason, recognised as one of the foremost instructors of Masonic Ritual and the founder of a system of lectures known today as the Prestonian Lectures.
Previously, on 20th May, Third Metropolitan Grand Principal, E Comp Christopher Head made an official visit to the 2nd Middlesex Artillery Chapter No 2484, which now meets in Skopje, North Macedonia. As well as Serbia and North Macedonia, Metropolitan Grand Chapter is also active in Bulgaria, where there is a flourishing Inspectorate.

50 Year Congratulations to E Comp Lyn Grenville-Mathers
At Freemasons’ Hall on 6th June, Metropolitan Grand Inspector, E Comp Tony Shepherd visited Moriah Chapter No 34 to make a presentation of a 50 Year Long Service Certificate to Scribe Ezra, E Comp Lyn Grenville-Mathers. Those gathered were delighted to hear of E Comp Lyn’s Estate Manager career, including clients as varied as breweries and Sir Cameron Mackintosh, and his hobby of reconstructing and racing classic cars – a love he shared with his Father, who Initiated him into Freemasonry. E Comp Tony was accompanied by E Comps Nat Olaiya, Darren Conway and Seirios Kokkalis who kindly acted as his Escorting Team. A wonderful dinner was enjoyed at the DoubleTree at Hilton Hotel.

Euclid Chapter of First Principals asks questions close to home…
On 18th June, within the magnificent Temple 10 at Freemasons’ Hall, at Euclid Chapter of First Principals No 7464, former Deputy Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, E Comp Chris Clark delivered a fascinating and entertaining talk entitled ‘the Demon Drink’. This explores the origins and growth of social drinking in this country and its links to the Temperance movement in general and within Freemasonry in particular – and how some of those traditions are still observed. At its conclusion, and immediately prior to dinner, the thirsty companions sheepishly headed towards the bar!

Caesarea breaks bread with Sarnia Riduna
On 1st June at Freemasons’ Hall, Caesarea Chapter No 5840, met to conduct a rehearsal, in preparation for an Exaltation ceremony in December. After the Chapter meeting, the members retired to the Sarnia Riduna Lodge meeting, afterwards enjoying a joint Festive Board at the Concert Artists Club, Covent Garden. Members are affiliated to the Channel Islands; with the island of Jersey also known as Caesarea and Guernsey also recognised as Sarnia Riduna. Every two years, the members travel to the Channel Islands where they are welcomed by the Province, joining them at the Lodge and Chapter meetings. These are followed by a White Table Festive Board, where they are joined by their wives, partners & friends; this year they travelled to Guernsey. The Chapter and the Lodge have both been awarded the Metropolitan Grand Master’s Award, having collectively donated over £30,000 towards the London Air Ambulance Appeal.
Read more about Sarnia Riduna’s visit to Guernsey in Arena’s Craft Digest

A busy day for Royal Crown Chapter
Royal Crown Chapter No 3133 met at Freemasons’ Hall on the 13th June for the Election of its Principals. They also witnessed a demonstration of the Historical Lecture by Comp Scribe Ezra, E Comp Christopher Fernley; and kick-started plans for their Chapter Centenary in 2026. The busy schedule was conducted in the presence of Metropolitan Grand Inspector, E Comp Tony Shepherd, escorted by E Comp Peter Aitkenhead, Metropolitan Assistant Grand Sojourner. A wonderful dinner was subsequently enjoyed at the Beaujolais Club, Covent Garden, replete with its renowned cheese board; which was, as always, outstanding.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 55 Summer 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 55 here.