Con Amore Lodge No 3633 is thrilled to announce the successful initiation of seven new brothers, marking a significant milestone in the Lodge's continued growth and Masonic spirit. The initiation was conducted in accordance with the “multiple candidate ceremony” suggested by the United Grand Lodge, allowing Con Amore to welcome these dedicated individuals both efficiently and ceremoniously.
Despite a delay in admission to the Lodge, the new men had already begun to contribute to the Lodge’s Masonic community, participating in various Lodge-sponsored non-Masonic social activities. Their involvement has already enriched the Lodge, and their formal initiation only serves to solidify their commitment and integration into the fraternity.
The initiation took place in two separate groups, one being held at a regular Lodge meeting and the other at a special meeting called for the purpose of Initiation. This was to ensure that each candidate received the attention and honour they deserve during what is a significant rite of passage. UGLE’s multiple candidate ceremony video was instrumental in managing this process smoothly and efficiently.
The first group of Initiates comprised Brothers Andy Gascon, Gerard Campos, Joseph Marquez and Jeffrey Gulle. The second group were Brothers Joseph Acala, Dexter Pacle, and Franz Oberlin Maturan. Each has demonstrated exceptional character, dedication, and a true understanding of the principles and values that Con Amore Lodge holds dear.

Bro Marquez comments that while there were other candidates with him, he felt the individuality and personalisation efforts by the Lodge made his initation truly his own.
Worshipful Master, W Bro Edgard Valencia expressed his pride and joy in welcoming the new Brethren, saying, "This is a proud moment for Con Amore Lodge. The initiation of these seven men is a testament to their patience and commitment. Their involvement in our non-Masonic activities has already shown their dedication to our principles, and we are excited to see how they will further contribute to our Lodge and the broader Masonic community."

The initiation ceremony was followed by a Festive Board at the De Vere Connaught, where the newly initiated brothers were warmly welcomed by all Lodge members and participated in the Entered Apprentice Freemason’s Song. It was a day filled with camaraderie and the promise of future endeavours together.
Con Amore Lodge looks forward to the continued growth and contribution of these new Brethren. Their successful initiation is not just a step forward for them but a significant stride for the entire Lodge, reinforcing our values of brotherhood, Masonic and community service, and personal growth. With seven done, another new Candidate is waiting in the wings to be initiated in the near future!

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 56 Winter 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 56 here.