W Bro Steven D Langerman writes:
On 9th September 2024, Falcon Lodge No 8062 held its usual regular September Meeting at Freemasons’ Hall. However, it was not a usual meeting. Falcon Lodge normally has a very busy programme, but on this occasion had surprisingly no Candidate for any Ceremony.
Their Metropolitan Visiting Officer, W Bro Andrew Cook, was of course aware of this situation. Cook is also Treasurer of the Manor of St James’s Lodge No 9179.
He let the Secretary of Falcon Lodge know that his own Lodge had Candidates queuing up for advancement and suggested that Falcon Lodge might wish to carry out a ‘Second Degree by Request’ for one of their Members, to ease the pressure on Manor of St James’s schedule.

After appropriate discussion between the Lodge Secretaries (and of course in accordance with Rule 173(a) of the Book of Constitutions) the suggestion was enthusiastically agreed, and so, at Falcon’s September meeting, thirty Brethren (including ten Members of the Manor of St James’s Lodge) met together.
Bro. Steven Brewer, a member of the Manor of St James’s Lodge, was duly Passed to the Second Degree in a Ceremony performed by the Worshipful Master of Falcon Lodge, W Bro. Lee Jeffreys, in a most commendable manner, assisted admirably and competently by his Officers.
All thirty Brethren subsequently dined at the Thistle Hotel for a highly convivial Festive Board, with the Members of both Lodges mingling very amicably – indeed, everyone had an excellent time!

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 56 Winter 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 56 here.