Residents of the Tithe Barn RMBI home in Merseyside were invited to the final parade and concert given by the National Army Cadet Force Band & Drums at Altcar Camp, near Southport on Thu 31 Oct.
The residents were treated to a wonderful display of military music, both on the parade ground and later in the Officers' Mess. The event also involved a presentation to the Commandant, W. Bro. Colonel Mike Neville, who had completed his five-year posting as Head of Music. Several other Masons were present, including Bro. Capt Liam Gray and Bro. Lt Kieran Robinson, who are shown in the photo with Colonel Mike.
Mike said, "It was excellent to see the Tithe Barn residents 'on parade'. We were pleased to see our brother Masons and the staff and volunteers who provide them with such great care."
Mike, Liam and Kieran are involved in the repurposing of Southwark Lodge No 879 as the Special Interest Lodge for Cadet Force instructors. The Lodge meets at Grand Lodge in London and anyone who is (and has been) involved with Army, Sea or Air cadets is welcome to join. The purpose of the Lodge is to raise funds for cadet activities and to enjoy our memories of our service to young people. Details can be obtained from the secretary at

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 56 Winter 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 56 here.