On 4th October 2024, VW Bro Ian Clark, Assistant Metropolitan Grand Master, visited Paternoster Lodge No 4783 at Freemasons’ Hall, to present a 50 Year Long Service Certificate to W Bro Steve Brown. The presentation was made in the presence of W Bro Steve’s two sons, W Bros Ryder and Max and newly appointed Metropolitan Grand Inspector, W Bro Robert Anderson.

VW Bro Ian was escorted by W Bro Liam Nammock, Metropolitan Assistant Director of Ceremonies, who was accompanied by two Grand Metropolitan Grand Stewards.
The Festive Board at Tuttons, on the Covent Garden Piazza, was a lively affair with special ‘50 Year Celebration cake’, baked by W Bro Jerry Gangadeen, the master cake chef, being presented to W Bro Steve.

A raffle raised £245 and a ‘special’ raffle for a 40-year-old bottle of Malt whiskey achieved £130.00, all proceeds being donated towards the London Air Ambulance Appeal.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 56 Winter 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 56 here.