Peter Hern SLGCR Scribe E writes:
Fourteen years ago, London Rifle Brigade Chapter No1962 was required to abandon a meeting through lack of numbers and was considering surrendering their Charter. This was a catalyst of what was to come.
A couple of senior members had a meeting with the Chapter SVO and decided that perhaps the Lodge Secretary might be able to assist the struggling Scribe E.
The Lodge Secretary agreed, although he was just about to be installed as J later that year. He therefore would assist behind the scenes until he had completed his years as J, H and Z. He was then appointed and invested as Scribe E. A new Treasurer was also agreed.
The Chapter affairs were put into good order and several Companions who had resigned also rejoined. Other than Installation meetings, Exaltations are now regularly held and formal dinners have been reintroduced. Ritual performance has improved, resulting in membership and attendances doubling and then trebling.
A wonderful Centenary Meeting was held in February 2020 with almost 60 Companions in attendance, each receiving a glossy Centenary booklet and gift. At the 312th Convocation held on Tuesday 8 October 2024 at Freemasons Hall, 12 members and 5 visitors were in attendance. Mainly due to holidays and illness there were also 9 apologies for absence.
The minutes of the May 2024 meeting having been previously circulated were agreed and, as was now customary, the Scribe E read the minutes of 100 years ago. This began with ‘The 15th convocation of the London Rifle Brigade Chapter No. 1962 was held at Mark Masons Hall, London, on Tuesday 14th October 1924. There were 26 members which included the Rt Hon The Lord Muskerry and 5 visitors present.’ The Installation ceremony that followed would be as familiar to them as to present day Royal Arch Members.
There was then a report and E Comp Richard Hime, MetGSwdB announced that E Comp David Ellis OBE PGSoj Met GInsp was without and was to be admitted. A procession was formed by the Escorting Officer and, to applause, E Comp Ellis entered. Having declined the offer of the First Principals’ Sceptre, he was seated and a most enjoyable Installation meeting followed, with much laughter and happiness from all. E Comp Al Lines LGCR, the Chapter VO, kindly agreed to assist by acting as J for much of the ceremony.
After E Comp S Stowell was Installed as Z, he thanked E Comp C. Lewis for such a memorable ceremony. He then proceeded to install his officers. On being asked who his Scribe N would be, he announced, amidst much laughter, ‘Companion P. Stowell or as he is better known to me, Companion Daddy’.
Amongst the business items, a proposition that £1000 be transferred from the Benevolent Fund to the Chapter Relief Chest was agreed by all present. The Relief Chest had been somewhat depleted following donations to the Air Ambulance Appeal. This resulted in the Chapter being awarded a Gold Star which is proudly displayed on the summons, along with the many other awards received over the years.
On the second rising, amongst other things, E Comp Ellis, to the immense pleasure of the members, congratulated and thanked all for a good convocation. He reminded them that he had last visited in 2022 and would very much like to visit again before he retires as Met G Insp in 2026.
Having consumed a couple of drinks in the bar at FMH, the Companions wined and dined in perfect harmony at the nearby Grange Beauchamp Hotel.
This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 56 Winter 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 56 here.