Trevor Raymond, Secretary of Lewisham Lodge No 2579 writes:
Two years ago, Lewisham Lodge was down to 18 members. At that time, I was proud to announce to the Lodge that my son, Simon Raymond, and a young man called Alistair De Marco wanted to join the Lodge. I have known Alistair for 12 years or so, as he is Simon’s best friend. Back in December 2022, a double Initiation duly took place. It was early days, but I felt that Lewisham could be on the path to recovery.
As a Visiting Officer myself, and also the Lodge Membership officer, I knew it was important to engage both Simon and Alistair early on. As a result, starting with these Brethren, Lewisham Lodge has made it a policy to be particularly welcoming towards new members and solving their most pressing needs.
We kitted them both out with slim line cases and new Entered Apprentice aprons on loan as well as new clean gloves. Being a Taylors’ Lodge, we also gave them both the paperback booklets of the First Degree ceremony. Both new Initiates were bowled over with the gesture.
Every man likes new toys – and as a result, they were only too keen to come out visiting, just a week later, to Enugu Lodge No 5440, where they had the benefit of seeing an Initiation performed. Many Brethren will know how instructive and eye-opening that experience can be!
Wanting to continue growing the Lodge, I then enlisted the help of our Visiting Officer, Jody Townsend (now the Inspectorate Adjutant and a MAGI), to engage the help of Metropolitan Grand Lodge's Unsponsored Candidate team.
Jody suggested I create a "Lodge Profile booklet", which the Brethren of the Lodge can hand out to prospective candidates. Jody advised that the Unsponsored Candidate team look more favourably upon Lodges that have a Lodge Profile.
Administratively, the Lodge Annual Information Sheet is a crucial document. This is filled in by the Secretary and forwarded to the Lodge VO who, in turn, sends it in to the Inspectorate Adjutant after checking it. From here the Inspectorate team can assess the health of the unit. It is essential that you check the box which notes that your Lodge is receptive to unsponsored candidates, and that the picture you give fully describes the Lodge.
Two high-quality candidates were soon matched, interviewed and lined up to be Initiated. By this time, both Simon & Alistair were Fellowcrafts with their Raisings just around the corner. They themselves had also proposed and seconded a candidate who had just been Initiated – a very positive sign indeed of the health of a Lodge.
Over the 6-8 months running up to their Initiations, both unsponsored candidates were invited to join social events with the Brethren of the Lodge after our February & April Festive Boards. They were invited to attend wearing their dark suits and black ties in April, so that they could feel part of proceedings rather than outsiders – it was also very much a dress rehearsal! This made them feel far more confident on the day of their Initiation.
And so it was that Andre Bourgeois & Yusuf Menekşe were Initiated into Lewisham Lodge on Saturday 5th October 2024. Once more, the Lodge kitted them out after the meeting with the same on loan cases, aprons, gloves and First Degree ritual books.
Simon & Alistair watched their previous on loan cases being reassigned in open Lodge and were immediately given the roles of Personal Mentors to the New Initiates. Being the latest Master Masons now, they were very keen to play this role. Their recent experiences will help and assist Brothers Andre & Yusuf.
The journey hasn't stopped there. Alistair is now a member of Lewisham Chapter and thoroughly enjoyed his Exaltation. Bro Simon has been encouraged to follow, but at his own pace. This will happen at some stage later this Masonic 2024-2025 season.
I hope this inspires other Lodges to achieve similar results in growing their Lodges. Lewisham have been lucky in having two double initiations over the last two years; it has seen us grow to 21 members. It demands very little in consideration towards prospective candidates and Initiates to develop strong new bonds which support the growth of a whole Lodge.
Photos are of the Lodge members with the 2 new initiates left and right of the Master with our other Entered Apprentice Bro Connor Stumpf on the far right. The other EA, Bro Andrew Short on the far Left ( Aldershot Camp L1371) was a guest of our "PIG" W. Bro Stephen Clark METAGInsp (Dreadnought 4366). Bro Andrew really enjoyed his visit to Lewisham and the splendour of Freemasons Hall. He is eager to visit us again to watch future ceremonies after his own Passing & Raising in L1371.
This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 56 Winter 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 56 here.