There was a noticeable buzz in the air as Brethren arrived for the annual investiture to London Grand Rank and London Rank. Many of the investees had arrived with friends and family to mark this joyous occasion and it was wonderful to see the Grand Temple so full, the largest number in attendance since the days before the hiatus that was the Covid pandemic restrictions.
As the Brethren awaited the beginning of the ceremony, old acquaintances were renewed and new friends made, after the customary briefing from the Metropolitan Grand Director of Ceremonies. The afternoon got under way with the arrival of several processions culminating in the entrance of the Metropolitan Grand Master, RW Bro Warren Duke, accompanied by his officers. Bro Duke who was received with rapturous applause welcomed all those present, but in particularly the investees and their friends and families.

He then invested those honoured; and their friends and family present showed their appreciation and congratulations by applause and, on occasion, cheering.
At the end of the investiture, representatives of the London Air Ambulance Charity led by their Chief Executive and members of the clinical team and air crew were received into the Grand Temple with a standing ovation from those present.
The Metropolitan Grand Master then addressed the audience. He began by saying that he wished to acknowledge in the presence of the London Air Ambulance representatives and two outstanding contributions to “The Up Against Time Appeal”. First was the Prince Michael of Kent Lodge, the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of the Province of Middlesex, which has donated £100,000 to the appeal. In recognition of this superb effort, he presented the Assistant Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex, W Bro Paul Sully, with a set of Wooden Mauls in a presentation case as a token of appreciation of their donation.
The second contribution acknowledged was the £100,000 donated by The Mark Benevolent Fund, represented by W Bro Archie Torrance, who also received a set of wooden Mauls as a token of appreciation.
The representatives of those Lodges and Chapters who had achieved the Metropolitan Grand Master’s and Metropolitan Grand Superintendent’s award to receive their gavels and mauls were presented to the Metropolitan Grand Master and the Chief Executive of London’s Air Ambulance; Jonathan Jenkins:

Metropolitan Grand Stewards’ Lodge No. 9182: W Bro Will Clayton
Imperial Cadet Lodge No. 3824: W Bro Paul King
Henley Lodge No. 1472: W Bro Paul Greenfield
Cadogan Chapter No. 162: E Comp Danny Miller
Chapter of Temperance in the East No. 898: E Comp Kevin Usher
Oxford and Cambridge University Chapter No. 1182: E Comp Alex Till
Rahere Chapter No. 2546: E Comp Michael Bracken
Imperial Cadet Chapter No. 3824: E Comp Kevin Fleet
North London Chapter of First Principals No. 9784: E Comp Andrew Farleigh
Mr Jenkins then spoke, and said that he and his colleagues were overwhelmed by the continuing support received from London’s Freemasons. He said that Freemasons in London had been solid in their support for the Air Ambulance since its inception, and that when it was announced several years ago that the two helicopters needed replacing at a cost of some £15 million, London Freemasons immediately pledged £3 million - a great start to their campaign and enabling them to order two new, state-of-the-art helicopters to replace their ageing predecessors and which had now been delivered. The new machines were particularly well suited to the London environment, allowing access to open spaces which were diminishing in size and allowing the Advanced Medical Team to be delivered to assist the patient who, in many cases, would not be able to reach hospital in time.
After a short video presentation showing the Air Ambulance Team at work, the Metropolitan Grand Master announced that including pledges made, the £3 million target had been reached; and he then presented a cheque for that amount to Mr Jenkins which was greeted with enthusiastic applause.

After the London Air Ambulance party had retired from the Grand Lodge, Bro Duke addressed the audience.
He said that the primary reason which brings us all here today is to acknowledge the effort of our investees for their continued commitment to Freemasonry here in London. “We are rightly proud of the contribution that you have made to your Lodges and further afield, by supporting Metropolitan Grand Lodge and the wider community in which we live. What you have all contributed to date is so important, but I ask you now to reflect on the future. I expect recipients of Metropolitan rank to serve as leaders in their Lodges and to do so with humility, as well as supporting each member from the oldest to the newest initiate.”
“Please also consider engaging with Metropolitan Grand Lodge as we seek to grow our numbers and to provide vital help to every Lodge in London. To this end, we always need more of you to get involved.”
“This is an appropriate time to thank not only all those who lead Met and wear the chains, but also those who volunteer within those many groups of Masons who develop what we do: to the teams of almoners, charity stewards, mentors and membership officers, as well as the communications team, stewards, exhibitions team and so many more. I hugely appreciate all you do”, he said.
“You will all have heard that The United Grand Lodge of England faces a Membership Challenge: to maintain the quality of those we initiate, but also to retain our members, thus increasing our overall membership. I am delighted to say that after much work over preceding years, London is starting to turn a corner. So much so, that on the current trend, if we maintain this momentum, we have the opportunity to grow our membership in 2025 in both the Craft and the Royal Arch. In London we are transitioning from the Membership Challenge to the Membership Opportunity.”
“Seizing this opportunity is only possible when Lodges initiate more members than they lose through natural causes, also ensuring that all Lodges engage with their members and retain them. Met is doing much to support this, for example, increasing Discover Freemasonry from 2 to 7 events per year and supporting the proliferation of Special Interest Lodges and Chapters. For engagement, the Welcome Project for new initiates is key along with the overarching New Member Engagement tracking to support Lodge secretaries. We know that the Members’ Pathway provides the toolkit for any Lodge to plan for a successful future. To underpin this, we strive to offer training for all Lodge membership officers, as well as to provide a VO on whom they can depend.”
“We had a wonderful time at our last ‘Discover Freemasonry - Invite a Friend’ event, with around 200 attending. There was a real buzz as non-Masons began to discover who we are, what we stand for and why we enjoy our hobby, with many deciding to move forwards with their application. The next event is at 10.30 am on Saturday 25th January, here at Freemasons’ Hall. It’s a great way to introduce Freemasonry to your friends in a way which will inspire them to join your Lodge. I look to all honoured today to engage with these initiatives and to support them in whatever ways you can to build your Lodges for the future.”
“Freemasonry, as we know, is based on four strong foundations: Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Service. As part of Service, Charity is a key element. It will be of no surprise to anyone here that the other huge part of today is to celebrate our significant role in supporting the London’s Air Ambulance Charity’s ‘Up Against Time’ Appeal and to thank everyone who has contributed. With the pledges made by Lodges and Chapters, I am so thrilled to have been have able to announce earlier this afternoon that we had made it to £3 million. It was not long ago – 1st March 2023, just 20 months ago – that Sir Michael pledged that London Freemasons would be the appeal’s cornerstone donor and raise £3 million to support the purchase of two band new H-135 helicopters to give London’s Air Ambulance state-of-the-art aircraft. It has been wonderful to receive their presentation this afternoon and to see the result of our efforts.”
“This appeal has been so important in enabling those who save lives to do precisely that. Your response has been the fastest fund-raising campaign by London Masons since Metropolitan was set up over 20 years ago. I was so very privileged to meet HRH The Prince of Wales on 1st October, when the two new helicopters came into service and Prince William particularly asked me to pass on his special thanks as Royal Patron to every one of you.
“I am so pleased to see so many Charity Stewards here today. You have been at the heart of this campaign. Without you this would not be possible; and I look forward to catching up with you at the reception later. I must also pay tribute to Paul King, Metropolitan Grand Charity Steward, as well as to Stratton Richey and James Walker, respectively the Chair and Secretary of the London Freemasons’ Charity, for the extraordinary amount of work which the three of them have put in, day after day, to pull everything together from the off.”
“Additionally, we have been incredibly supported by the Mark Benevolent Fund which has given £100,000, as well the Middlesex Provincial Grand Lodge which donated another £100,000. Our own Metropolitan Grand Stewards – this year and last – have also been inspirational. Other Masonic Orders have also made contributions which shows how unified we all are to support our wonderful Air Ambulance.
“The award scheme will stay open until 31st December 2024 to enable those Lodges and Chapters which have informed us that they have notice of motions in place for their meetings between now and the end of the year, to obtain an award level or be listed in the Roll of Honour.”
“Let me now close by thanking the Metropolitan Grand Secretary and the Metropolitan Grand Director of Ceremonies and their respective teams. Events such as this don’t just happen; and a great deal of effort is required to make them with their teams appear so effortless.”
“Finally, once again, I extend my sincere thanks to you all for joining us today and supporting those who have been honoured; it is hugely appreciated. I look forward to meeting a large number of you at the drinks receptions directly after the end of this meeting”, he concluded.
After the charity collection and the singing of the National Anthem, the Metropolitan Grand Master with his officers retired in procession.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 56 Winter 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 56 here.