Christ’s Hospital (“CH”) is a unique Public School, founded by King Edward VI in 1552 to care for and educate orphans in the City of London. It is now located in West Sussex. It caters to the needs of some 900 boys and girls, nearly all of whom are boarders. Its mission is to “challenge inequality by providing a nurturing, transformative education for young people from all backgrounds.” Many families of children at the School pay very reduced fees or no fees at all – this year £24 million will be distributed to these families in the form of scholarships and bursaries.
Christ’s Hospital Lodge No 2650 was consecrated in 1897, and the Grand Master, HRH Prince of Wales (later Edward VII) laid the School’s Sussex Foundation Stone later that year, dressed in full Masonic regalia. The Lodge is a member of the 38-strong Public School Lodges’ Council (PSLC), and hosted the 2016 PSLC Festival.
Though very active in supporting member Lodges and individual Freemasons and their families through the MCF, the PSLC has been seeking a way to make a more significant contribution to the education of children. Earlier this year, the opportunity arose for the Council to purchase a Donation Governorship at the School, which gave it the right to present a student for admission in September 2025. The PSLC Chairman, VW Bro Julian Soper DMetGM, will be the Governor; he will help select the presentee and will be a mentor to that student throughout their life at CH.
Because the Governorship represents a very significant charitable donation by the PSLC, it was marked by an event at the School on 12th October 2024, where the PSLC Chairman presented a cheque for £41,910 to Mr Simon Reid, Head Teacher, to purchase the Governorship. Attendees then enjoyed a bubbly reception, followed by a chance to see the School march into the Dining Hall for lunch to the accompaniment of the world-renowned School Band; before lunching in the Court Room (where the Court of Governors meets).
After lunch, the School Chaplain took the party to the Chapel, where guests had the opportunity to view the stunning murals painted by Sir Frank Brangwyn and to listen to an organ recital by the School Organist on the newly-restored 5-manual Rushworth & Dreaper organ. An informal walk around the Quad rounded off the visit.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 56 Winter 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 56 here.