The Warrant Officers’ Chapter No 2346 is undergoing something of a renaissance as a Service (military, veteran, blue light) Chapter. It is the first Chapter in the Circuit of Service Lodges (part of the Circuit’s ‘Project Violet’ campaign), with both the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Circuit as members.
From being a Chapter about to surrender its Charter in 2023, there is now a very real possibility that it will need to hold an emergency meeting just to get through all of its candidates! The Chapter has welcomed a number of joining members and now has Brethren ready for Exaltation.
To mark this new blossoming, the Installation Meeting of 26th September 2024 was honoured with an official visit from the Deputy Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, Excellent Companion The Reverend Timothy L’Estrange PGSN who said. “I am delighted that Project Violet (the union of the Royal Arch red and the Craft blue) is now an active proposal within the Circuit of Service Lodges, and it is my sincere hope that all London Chapters with Armed Forces affiliations and associations will want to become part of this exciting development.”
The Chapter was also honoured with private visits from Officers of Supreme Grand Chapter including a Past Third Grand Principal.
The Companions were treated to a most rare installation where the new First Principal was installed as Third, Second and then First Principal in sequence. For most present, this was the first time they had seen such a ceremony – and may well be the only time!

Ongoing, the Chapter’s Officers have a twofold ambition. First, to give a London Chapter base within the Circuit for those Provincial Companions who would like it, and second to serve as a welcome Circuit Chapter for those Brethren seeking Exaltation but for whom no other specific or relevant Chapter exists.
If you are interested in the Warrant Officers’ Chapter, please do not hesitate to contact Justin Pitt, Metropolitan Assistant Grand Secretary, at

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 56 Winter 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons - Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 56 here.